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Author Topic: What thrill ride could Great Adventure add after Green Lantern?  (Read 14124 times)

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Offline 587coasterfan89

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Re: What thrill ride could Great Adventure add after Green Lantern?
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2011, 05:59:20 PM »
^ I love that idea! A drop tower that shoots out of the observatory would be awesome. Something should be added to Movietown involving Chiller's sation. I love the way Chiller's station and observatory looks. VERY TIM BURTON! They should use it for a new ride!

Offline coastercrazy9

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Re: What thrill ride could Great Adventure add after Green Lantern?
« Reply #51 on: July 11, 2011, 08:23:06 AM »
So i planned this out. windseeker in between gl and kk. s&s drop dower in freefalls old spot, gci woodie behind tdk that would also take up spin meisters old spot and musik express and will reuse chillers station. since its a woodie, and its near batman it could be called scarecrow, and bring time warp back, and last but not least (and i know its sounds crazy with a side of insanity) but a vekoma boomerang on the lakefront. now i know everybody thinks EVIL BOOMERANG TORTURE DEVICE!!!! but if you think about it its a great choice which is why over 40 parks have one. its relatively cheap, puts you upsidedown 6 times and it goes backward. so its like an all in one package. oh and i almost forgot bumper cars come back too. but re themed to some kind of batman theme.
  Sorry for the long quote, but you do know that Six Flags Inc. will not buy anything from vekoma because of what happened with the Deja Vu's, it is very unlikely for them to put in anything Vekoma.
R.I.P. Gasm, our beloved arrow!

Offline Steve

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Re: What thrill ride could Great Adventure add after Green Lantern?
« Reply #52 on: July 11, 2011, 11:03:43 AM »
If they were to get an S&S tower it would have to be multiple towers like CP has. You would have to put it in a different spot, not enough room in the old free fall area. I still think a gyro drop is the way to go. Great thrill and high capacity.