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More FlyinPhil photos from 3-26-06

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ALso it looks as if the train will get a nice "running start" before the drop
the back seat flying over that drop will be insane.I can already feel my butt leaving the seat.
Also you can see where the top cable lift pully ends about 8 bents from the top in
Did you notice the access route near the front of Kingda ka  I guess this will be closed off to construction once opening weekend.
But only on the weekends as park not open Daily yet.
These are Phils best picture yet.
they look so close    great job.

I can't believe how much more work they are going to have to do to get El Toro open ! I'm guessing a late May opening. Atleast Kingda Ka will be open in the mean time to keep us occupied.

That drop looks crazy!! I want this to thing to open now!  :lol:


--- Quote from: "ChuckR" ---That drop looks crazy!! I want this to thing to open now!  :lol:
--- End quote ---

I'm sure the park does, too!

Adrenaline Junkie:
Well I wouldn't go that far as to say the park wants El Toro open right now!  Six Flags gave away 45,000 free tickets for good reason, they want people to come back.  And with El Toro not being done yet it gives people very good reason to come back.  So in a way it not being open yet actually helps boost sales.


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