That must've took forever to do all of that. The guy has an incredible taste in music on top of it (The ne song for big spin was very fitting imo).
I wish you the best of luck with this endeavor. You'll be spending a lot of time and a lot of effort just planning these rides out let alone building them (and all the supports that go with them).
I was pretty big on these projects a few years ago (one of mine got 3rd in a school modeling contest) and unfortunately lost all of the pictures and everything with my old comp. That and my new one doesn't like the download packages (mouseworx, steelworx, etc.) and I can't even use them on my rides.
That's my story and I wish you good luck with this.
I'm also doing a run through of the original RCT. I'm done with about 50 of the 81 objectives and I have yet to unlock the mega park (I don't advertise and I build coasters that look like they can operate in real life).
I also forgot all of the available support and themeing object packages, lol. I need the links.