I can totally relate except of course I love the Roller Coasters! LOL. I am begining to have trouble re-riding though. I find myself getting nauseous the older I get
. I LOVE seeing my boys smiles when they come off a coaster and I am at the exit waiting for them. In fact, sometimes I'd rather wait for that then ride the coaster with them.
This is what parks are all about to me. For years I have watched enthusiasts critique parks to death even when the visit isnt all bad. Those enthusiasts I feel sorry for. They obviously have been so miserable with life that even when they go, they forget the true magic of an amusement park. Times are tough and alot of people aren't happy but, I refuse to let that ruin my Happy place!
Steve U and I had an hour long discussion about this sitting on a bench in front of the Sawmill log flume one day. The conversation came to us as we were people watching and seeing the Happy Families excited to be riding the flume. Obviously these people remember how to escape the harsh realities of life!