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Kingda Ka Status - This is OFFICIAL


Lets nip this one before is spreads  :idea:

I've heard through various sources that Kingda Ka might be having problems or may not open right away this year.  Though I haven't seen anything directly posted on this site, the rumors are out there.  It seems that a version of the Coaster Celebration flyer might have started this rumor because Ka was missing from it.  This early version of the flyer is wrong and Kingda Ka will in fact be on the schedule.

Kingda Ka is moving through rehab just fine and they fully expect it to be on the ERT schedule.

So unless something happens to the ride between now and June 17th, you CAN count on riding Kingda Ka for Coaster Celebration and most likely opening night :)

it would be quite sad if they continue to have problems with kingda ka and its closed half of this season as well

I do hope it is open my kids are busting to ride again .


--- Quote from: "sagrr" ---it would be quite sad if they continue to have problems with kingda ka and its closed half of this season as well
--- End quote ---

Ka is not having problems, Wade was just stating that he has heard numerous rumors from various people that it has been having problems, when in actuality it has not had any problems.  Simple misunderstandings never hurt anyone ;).Did I understand your post right Wade.


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