CONTEST RULES:The Spring Break Stride-A-thon Contest is open only to Facebook Fans of Six Flags Great Adventure. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these Contest Rules and the Terms and Conditions of the contest. Proof of submission does not constitute proof of receipt. Have your parents’ permission if you are under 18 years old; to win, you must also be 18 or older or your legal guardian/parent must be your guest or sign a waiver for your participation. Photos must not be inappropriate. Each participant may submit only one entry. All submissions must be received by March 22, 2010. Late entries will not be accepted. All submissions must be original work of the entrant.
HOW TO ENTER:Beginning March 15, 2010 and ending March 22, 2010,
1. Become a fan of Six Flags Great Adventure on Facebook and encourage your friends to do the same (
2. Click in the empty text box where you would normally write a comment to us and tell us the Title of your photograph
3. Under the text box, click the picture of a small Photo icon to attach a photograph (next to “Attach:”)
4. Post a photo of you having a Six Flags Day at the park on our wall as a Fan Photo
Entrants may submit only one entry
PHOTO CRITERIA:All photos must:
1. Be G-rated
2. Feature the participant having a Six Flags Day
3. Be submitted in a picture format that Facebook accepts
Photos will be judged on the following criteria:
1. Creativity
2. How many “Flags” of fun the entrant showcases in the photograph
WINNER SELECTION:Seven photos will be chosen. Winners will be announced March 23, 2010.
PRIZES:Seven winners and a guest of their choice will get the chance to participate in our Spring Break Stride-A-Thon on opening day. Winners must be 18 years or older or your legal guardian/parent must be your guest or sign a waiver for your participation. These winners and guests will compete against each other and 94.5 PST’s riders for a total of 30 competitors that will be selected to experience the consecutive, eight hour ride on Bizarro. The winner of the Stride-A-Thon will win a VIP Tour for four to Six Flags Great Adventure which includes a personal tour guide, front-of-the-line ride access, complimentary meals and much more!