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Will El Toro be ready for Opening Day 2006?

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25 (89.3%)

Total Members Voted: 27

Voting closed: December 31, 2005, 02:58:23 PM

Author Topic: El Toro Open for April 1st?  (Read 10578 times)

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Offline blazzinmatt

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El Toro Open for April 1st?
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2006, 12:51:29 PM »
I didn't mean to come off rude but last year everyone had a source on when KK would open and such and most of them were wrong so people started to get angry and rumors would fly around. Just didn't want anything happening like that this offseason.

Offline coasterrider1998

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El Toro Open for April 1st?
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2006, 01:08:19 PM »
If they can have it testing by March 15 then yes. This is just my guess but I think that should give enough time.

Offline Dubya91

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El Toro Open for April 1st?
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2006, 02:45:00 PM »
It won't be open by Opening Day! Construction has been painfully slow and as the temperatures & snow fall it will only get slower! Maybe the ride will be completed by opening day but remember it still has to be tested and we saw how long that can take with Kingda Ka.....
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Offline WadeJ

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El Toro Open for April 1st?
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2006, 02:51:43 PM »
Like I said, I can't answer when it will be done because nobody knows that right now.  However, I can say with 100% accuracy that construction is right on schedule.  It may be painfully slow for us to watch but its going up according to schedule.  This came right from Richard Beane's mouth while he was standing right in front of me.

Everybody wants to see big hills and turns erected already.  This ride isn't built that way.  The bents are being assembled ahead of time on the ground and will be erected one after another when they are ready to do so.  All footers exect for RT's infield are also done.

I personally have no idea if it will be ready or not.  I'm just trying to be positive about it and go with what i currently know.

btw- its nice to see somebody else pick opening day LOL  now I'm not the only one!

Offline sfgadvfreak

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El Toro Open for April 1st?
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2006, 08:56:34 PM »
Yeah, well my dad is Al Roker and he said its gonna snow, and my mom is the director of maintence at a shipyard in Europe and said their really slow right now.  ;)

If GADV says construction is on schedule, then its on schedule.  They don't plan things to open late, and they probably factor in weather as well, so I can see them making the deadline.
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Offline chilled182

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El Toro Open for April 1st?
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2006, 09:01:53 PM »
Quote from: "WadeJ"
Like I said, I can't answer when it will be done because nobody knows that right now.  However, I can say with 100% accuracy that construction is right on schedule.  It may be painfully slow for us to watch but its going up according to schedule.  This came right from Richard Beane's mouth while he was standing right in front of me.

Everybody wants to see big hills and turns erected already.  This ride isn't built that way.  The bents are being assembled ahead of time on the ground and will be erected one after another when they are ready to do so.  All footers exect for RT's infield are also done.

I personally have no idea if it will be ready or not.  I'm just trying to be positive about it and go with what i currently know.

btw- its nice to see somebody else pick opening day LOL  now I'm not the only one!

i was there i can vouch for that!!  

I agree with wade.
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Offline kristenluvsu

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El Toro Open for April 1st?
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2006, 01:26:16 AM »
Quote from: "Bubba Z"
Here's another crazy thought. What if E.T. isn't finished yet by opening day. Do they still open the path to get to Rolling Thunder? Or wait,  and open that whole section when it is completed?

Worst case scenario is Would they want to run Rolling Thunder while the Frame work is still going up in the Infield.

With all that said , it should be open before taxes are due.

anyway, i doubt highly if they are gounna open anything near ET if its not opened.. to much of an insurance/injury risk...