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El Toro & BBNP Aerial Photo Update - March 6, 2006

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Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I flew 3 circles around the construction areas of interest and captured 9 decent shots.  Here are the   PICTURES ;)

By the way, I really enjoyed all of the coverage from BOTH of the construction area tours listed on the GADV Updates home page.  It's so nice to be able to see details, like the grain of the wood :lol: - Keep up the FINE WORK !!!


Thanks Phil!

Too bad I'm running Konquerer in Linux right now, and I don't have Flash Player in Linux :cry:  . I'll be sure to check them out when I get back into Windows.

Thanks for the great update Phil. Your time and service is really appreciated.

sir clinksalot:
Amazing photo's Phil.

You want to come out to CA and fly me out there??? ;)

Man, the park didn't seem that big when we were there last year.

Bubba Z:
Thanks for the Birds eye view Phil, and Welcome to Updates !!

Gregg, it's all about the tour guide.  :wink: Actually,  we did walk most of the park last year  but really fast.


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