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Official Febuary 20th Construction Tour Update!

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sir clinksalot:
Knott's also did construction tours of Silver Bullet at Solace '04. It was just dirt at the time and kind of funny that so many people lined up.

I can remember being on Supreme Scream with Kristi, Robb and Elissa and yelling "DIRT" to all the people. We got a few fingers thrown at us. ;)

Knott's also did behind the scenes tours of Ghostrider, Xcelerator and Monte at Solace '03.

We thought they were kind of dumb at the time but it added another element to the fun and it's really something I wish they'd bring back.

Rumor is that SFMM will give tours of Tatsu during West Coast Bash.

I just posted Doug's pictures up on ECC. Nothing different than everyone elses but they're there none-the-less.


--- Quote from: "WadeJ" ---
--- Quote from: "snowboard101" ---Things are looking great! And i'm glad to see that RMT is getting a paint job.

Also with the hill that is currently up, is that the 2cd hill or 3rd because updates says 2cd and insider says 3rd.
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I hope its the 2nd hill  :?:
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Ha sorry. Fixed.


--- Quote from: "ChuckR" ---I just want to say something, everyone saying this ride is being built wayyy to slow! Yesterday alone, they were working on 6 parts of the ride!

They were putting up a bent for the start of the drop. Just to let you know the bent alone is taller than RT!

Another area they were working on is the anti-rollback for the lift, they were lifting a piece for it while we were there.

Another area, was for the second hill. They were laying down track while we were there.

Another area, was for RT's infield where they had at least about 30 guys working and pouring footers while we were there!

The final area was the workers putting together another bent to be lifted up into place.

I respect these guys and congratulate them on the hard work there doing for this ride! Because it looks amazing!!!
--- End quote ---

Thanks Chuck.  I wish I saw this before posting the article on the main page because I couldn't have said it better myself.  The amount of work going on at the same time was insane.  They are really taking this seriously and are doing the best they can and IMO, using all means possible to get this done ASAP.

Great pics everyone! This thing seems to be coming along very well now. If they keep up the work like this, it shouldn't be long be we all ride it :)



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