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Official Febuary 20th Construction Tour Update!

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Official update is now up!! Hope you guys enjoy!

Febuary 20th Construction Tour!

Comments on the Pics: (Cut & Paste 'Cause I'm Lazy!)

HOLY CRAP look at the angle that turn will be at!

This is just looking SICK!

Now this is just an incredible picture!

So it looks like the station is going to be one-sided, just like Viper Was... I wonder how that will work.

LOL  yes stew, that angle just made me drool LOL

For those that are fans of RAMT, the track and supports are strarting to be primed.  The modified trains with individual lapbars are onsite as well :).

GadvUpdates should have stuff ready late tonight or early tomorrow morning.... lots and lots of pictures to sort through.

You guys actually saw the modified trains. Were they repainted. Sounds great.


--- Quote ---HOLY CRAP look at the angle that turn will be at!
--- End quote ---

Just wait until you see it in person, also notice that headchopper for the bottom of the first drop!

--- Quote ---This is just looking SICK!
--- End quote ---

This picture looks exactly like the animation pictures they gave us.

--- Quote ---Now this is just an incredible picture!
--- End quote ---

It looks incredible in person, I was joking around with others that we should take a picture and put Got Wood? under neath it! :lol:


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