The TripOn January 14th, I drove up to my friend Marc's house in Montreal. We've planning this trip for a while. The idea was for us two to fly out of Montreal to Paris and meet up with his cousin Alex at the airport, and his friend Louis was going to pick us up, drive us around, etc. Basically that is what happened, but it was the background to the trip, so deal...
January 15th, 2008Disneyland ParisI don't feel like typing the entire day, being there are so many pictures that it's self explanatory. So enjoy.

This trip report is brought to you by blurry Airplane yogurt.

Marc and I on the plane from Montreal to Paris.

Here we are finally in Europe. It amazed me how much shorter the flight was, than my drive to Montreal...

Here's Louis, who picked us up and was an excellent host.

Driving down the road, we saw our first sign of Disneyland Paris.

We parked here, because it's closer than the parking lot for the parks.

...and this is where I started hyperventilating.

Yea, I'm so gangsta, don't be hating

My friend Emmanuel (and his friend Maxime) were waiting for us inside the park.

Disneyland's Castle?

Sleeping Beauty's Castle is definitely the best Disney castle I've ever seen.

We headed into Discoveryland for our first credit...

...Space Mountain!!!! I've waited 14 years to ride this (no lie, I have).

So this is like a Super Nova or something...

The Columbiad is what blasts you into space.

They were only running two trains. The ride was very rough, but I still loved it. Out of the entire trip, we rode it 4 times.

First meal of the trip, PIZZA BURGER! It looks so wrong, but it tasts so right...

Seriously, wow!

Going into Frontierland... find Big Thunder Mountain closed

So we went over to Phantom Manor.

Love it! Love it! Love it!

Then we went all the way over to Indiana Jones et le Temple du Péril.

Seems to be running fine.

Until we were next and it broke! We left and did it again at night (but I didn't take pictures of it, so oh well).

They did a great job on theming.

Exiting out of Disneyland to go to...

...Walt Disney Studios!

It was hands down my least favorite Disney park I've ever been to.

hmm...where have I seen this before?

This way to Crush's Coaster!

Marc, Louis and I inline for Crush

Crush's Coaster was allright. They had terrible operations, but the ride was okay. Not worth a wait over 10 minutes.

Construction photo zomfg!

Out of the three Tower's I've ridden, this was my least favorite (I've never ridden California's)

Nice garden, eh?

The boiler room wasn't as good as Florida's...

Next up, Rock N Roller Coaster.

It's a clone of Florida's, except for going to a concert, you're at a concert.

We saw Moteurs Action! Which was really cool.

Afterwards, we went back to Disneyland

The group outside of Space Mountain. Alex, me, Emmanuel, Marc, Louis and Maxime.

This is the last picture before my battery died. After we did Space Mountain again, we did a few dark rides, and got all the credits at Disney before leaving. It was probably the best Disney visit I've ever had. And the park was basically empty. There were times where we'd walk from one attraction to another and we'd see no guests. It was awesome.

We'll finish with me at the Creperie, where you get all you can eat crepes!
-Dainan "Next up, Phantasialand (with more pictures)" Rafferty