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Author Topic: Blackberry Storm!  (Read 1769 times)

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Offline Dubya91

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Blackberry Storm!
« on: November 19, 2008, 02:00:31 AM »
Hey guys, I am calling all our smart and knowledgeable phone geniuses out there! I will keep it simple as they are all inquires about the new BlackBerry Storm!

-When will it come out for Verizon
-How much will this bad boy cost
-What can it do that makes it amazing
-How does it compare to the iPhone

Thanks alot!
Your Reigning 2008 Updates Coaster Draft Champion!

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Offline Ogolo

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Re: Blackberry Storm!
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2008, 07:55:39 AM »
-When will it come out for Verizon
 >This Friday!
-How much will this bad boy cost
 >Depends on if your contract with Verizon - 2 years = ~$250 [$50 rebate also]
-What can it do that makes it amazing
 >We will see on Friday! Check for the reviews
-How does it compare to the iPhone
 >Main let down is no WiFi.   Hello!!
 >It is supposed to have a screen that acts like a button,this makes it feel like you are really touching things on the screen we shall see.

The storm will probably make every business person stuck in Blakberryland who wants an iPhone happy.
I don't know if it will be better than an iPhone.


Offline Ogolo

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Re: Blackberry Storm!
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2008, 08:45:19 AM »
I had a chance to play with the Storm.
A Co-worker got up amazingly early to snag one.
The button screen is an interesting concept.
Many people found it to be better than an iPhone. 
But give I have never used an iPhone I won't judge.
I think it may be something you may just have to get used.
Navigation seems to be a bit sluggish.
The on board speaker is amazingly loud for annoying everyone with your movies.
Overall it is a good first effort that can only get better from here.
(I'm waiting until people use it for a while before jumping on board, maybe next year)

Offline PcMan

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Re: Blackberry Storm!
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2008, 12:49:13 PM »
if you are getting a new contract you can get it for $99 AR
at  www.letstalk.com

or upgrade your existing account for $249 AR


beware some of these with rebate require a data plan

I'm still using my ATT Tilt modified with a custom Manilla 2d touch ROM
I was due for a upgrade and was going to get the ATT FUZE that has the VGA screen but my tilt with the new rom does everything i it to do.
I always recommend a GSM provider (AT&T-T-Mobile )so you can change your phone anytime just by inserting your SIM card.unlike the outdated CDMA providers Verizon and Sprint.

- info on phone mods can be found here

this is what I'm running on my ATT TILT / Kaiser as of last week but with a few extra colorful mods not seen in these pics below  this is a port of the HTC Touch Fuze and Diamond but much much faster even after a year I find it more useful now with the Google Maps with REAL GPS and the ability to turn my phone into a WIFI access point- so if anyone has a phone that needs a new rom let me know.
Sorry for the long post   I'm really into 

« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 12:55:50 PM by PcMan »