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Author Topic: The end of the big coaster Era?  (Read 10087 times)

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Offline David Jr

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2006, 05:25:03 PM »
At least Snyder & Shapiro can't tell HP and DP what to do. If they want to put in new coasters, there's nothing Snyder can do about it. :D
Are you ready to send those commies running back to their mommies?

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Offline chilled182

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2006, 06:26:40 PM »
sooner or later he will realize that a park needs balance.  We are out of the balance right now with family anf flat rides.  But once that department is covered, throw in some theming, and than he may look towards dark rides and that aort.

he wont stop putting in the big rides.  Thats what sells the most!
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Offline Nitro1118

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2006, 06:59:09 PM »
I feel we are good enough with family/kids (3 sections devoted to them is more than most parks out there).

I agree with flats, and maybe a good dark ride. We have been rigged of all our good flats, and Spongebob is a good ride, but not a true dark ride.

Offline Nozzy

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2006, 07:48:26 PM »
At least in the article he had the other boats put on the track, hopefully he can get enough people that all rides can run more cars.  I don't see how more boats adds to the cost of running the ride though, not to mention that more boats will only increase capacity with good employees, but it looks good.

Good thing we had El Toro for this year, and not the usual 2 years or no Toro for us!  Just get more exciting family flats and I'll be happy though.
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Offline coastermom

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2006, 08:05:47 PM »
Quote from: "DianaR"
Quote from: "coastermom"
Hey Diana I hear you there need to be more family flats. We all also know my stand on the parent swap how it is sort of crazy with the lines they have to expect the kids to wait in line . I did e-mail the park over the past two days  and was told they are working on something sort of like what CP has . I don't really believe it till I see it.                                                At least your son is 44 inches mine is only 40 and there really isn't much for him except baby rides when he thinks he can ride KK  :lol: . I can't wait to see BBNP hopefully it will have a good mix for the really little ones and the kind of older ones too.  I also hope they open the train in the GK this year or move it so it runs . My son loves trains and boy is he not happy that thing isn't working.

I am going to ask about that train for you but, I am willing to bet that fixing that was in the plans before Snyder took over. There is possibly going to be something that could become a favorite to your 40 inch son as I know my 44 inch boy would enjoy this to. I am just not at liberty to spoil anything right now. :) Being a fellow parent I can assure you that this site will focus on every aspect of the park and not just the "thrilling" stuff. Wade and a few others have spouses and kids to so the parent's perspective of the park is always going to be a strong factor here. 8)

Hey that is not fair now you are just teasing me  :lol: . Can't wait my son is a train nut (thomas the tank is our life !!!) so i really am hopeful that train or another train comes along into the park.

Yes I am glad to see other parents around here . I have 3 and with two that are going to be 14 and 11 this summer the 4 year old doesn't really stand a chance . I am also glad we are not the only coaster parents out there .  :wink:

Offline 68CamaroGuy

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2006, 12:46:22 AM »
From what that article stated , all I can say is , thank god we got KK and ET when we did. Looks like what we have , is all we will be getting from now on in the big coaster department.
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Offline David Jr

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2006, 05:20:29 AM »
After reading the article, i belive the coaster era is indeed over. I also belive Snyder and Shapiro may actually hate coasters period. I do know people who hate coasters and see them as a big waste of money that could have been better spent elsewhere. These people also don't understand why people like us like them and enjoy them.

Question: Is it possible construction of El Toro was moved up a year 'cause sombody with insider knowledge knew Snyder was coming and how he felt about big coaster installations? Just a thot here.
Are you ready to send those commies running back to their mommies?

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Offline PcMan

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2006, 11:05:02 AM »
I think NOW that we have EL Toro  the Coaster balance is complete  at least few a few years and I don't think Kingda Ka will be topped for a few years.
There is no need to spend 20 Million for a great coaster

look back at the last few years and  the top coasters are small / medium woodies.  they pack a lot of bang for the buck at a 1/3  of the cost.

Balder dash
etc.   fill in your favorite
and the little Kickbutt J2 coaster (4.5 million) one mile from my home.

we need better designs not just big big big (Quality not quantity)
I also think EL Toro brings a mix of both  we all will know in a few months.
don't get me wrong I love Kingda Ka and others, as you can see in my smile in my avatar blue shirt front seat.

There are many new small footprint less costly rocket coasters shown a recent trade shows which can fit into any park and give great thrills. the current First drop Magazine shows many compact designs.
See ya at Eastcoaster Feb 4th

Offline coasterbruce01

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2006, 12:29:56 PM »
Six Flags biggest issue was that debt load that they are carrying. I think that his No New Coasters stance will bite them in the butt in the future. People will see that other parks will be building these monuements into the sky , and will travel to them.

I do believe once Sndyer and Shaprio see the gate attendance drop due to the new policy , it will get changed quickly. They are talking all these 3D imeression rides. How many times are you going to want to see Sharky the fish in 3D? There is only so many times that people will want to see Sharky save the day, then it's Rollercoaster time.

I have to admit, with all the gate re-entry issues that cropped up, Six Flags Corporate has done a real good job souring me to their product.I still plan to visit Six Flags , but no as much as I use to in the past.

Just my Opinion


Offline chilled182

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The end of the big coaster Era?
« Reply #34 on: January 30, 2006, 12:42:41 PM »
I absolutely agree with what you said.  I feel a year or two off may be nessicary bu only as long as they add other rides that are sorely missed.

THey will see a drop in attendance when the coasters are put on hold though.  I think that will change once they see what happens.
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