I'm with ya Rob. BUT, the financial crisis they are in right now has changed their business model. At least temporarily. They literally may not have enough credit to leverage to make it through the season park-wide and these major coasters cost a TON of money to run. Just the electric savings alone made it make sense to close early. Had the park still had a decent crowd even though it was raining, I think they would have remained open.
So yes, I agree. But they don't have that option right now. They did the right thing from a business perspective which right now is the ONLY option.
Hopefully in the years to come these type of situations will no longer occur but for now we just have to deal unfortunately

There is another thread on here regarding their finanancial situation. I mentioned there and I'll say it here - THEY MUST HAVE GOOD RESULTS THIS QUARTER! If they don't, they are in biiiiggggg trouble.