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No El Toro for Opening Day

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I would rather see them do it right then to rush it.  Better to have a ride open a little later in spring then to break down mid-summer.

I don't think anyone really expected this ride to be open on opening day anyway.

This could have damn well been prevented. It is one thing to be angry about the RT area being closed, but it is a lot worse when a brand spanking new ride is sitting there, along with those other rides that they closed the season before are still not open. GADV should suck it up and close the rides if construction on a new ride permits it. Most parks close those rides so the new coaster will be open the next year on opening day, or as soon as possible. DP did it with Hydra, and most other parks of GADV's size get new coasters up within the first 1-3 weeks of the season.

Oh well, can't do anything about it now, but this thing SHOULD have been open on opening day or by spring break, which it will likely be not.

PS- Cyclonic, this is not a breakdown probe ride like KK was, the structure and some things could have sped up a little if it meant getting the ride open a few weeks earlier. I have N-E-V-E-R see a lift hill take so long (we are going on 3 months here, and they still need to do the turnaround and drop).

^Nitro is right. I mean yes we lost some riding time to RT since they had to close the area off, but that doesnt mean it wasnt going to come back next year. The sooner they get el toro done, the happier i am because that means 2 (3 if you count RT as 2 coasters) coasters open up. Besides, all we ever hear is "RT is soooo rough." If its so rough, why ride it? You know. And i know they cant work on any part of the other tracks because of the boxing in, but there has got to be something they can do to speed up the process. It really hasnt been that bad of a winter either.

Bubba Z:
Has a coaster opened on opening day lately, anywhere ?  I also think , yeah it does seem slow but than again the lift is 188ft of wood not steel. Yes they could have done things a little different, but either way it seems people will complain no matter what. It's a loose loose situation.

Personally,  I would have knocked down Viper during the construction of Kingda Ka If they knew it wouldn't operate in the 05 season. This would have saved a couple of months, and Rolling Thunder could have been opened  all year.

Right now I'm thinking it will be snowing in April, so I can wait until it warms up a bit. Now if it takes till June than I will be upset.

Please, don't say the "S" word and especially for April. I will hunt you down in April Joe if you Jynxed us LMAO! It will be interesting to see how Sevart effects everything but, I've heard alot of great things about him  :D


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