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No El Toro for Opening Day

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Bubba Z:
Alex this could go back and forth for a while.  :lol:   Ok so let's say it opens May 1st  That's  only 15 days out of 167 for the season. Granted, not opening spring break does hurt. But if that many people do come to check out El Toro that just means they will be back to ride. Which equals more money for the park in return makes it even a nicer place to be.

How many days out of April were you planning on going ?  Compared to the rest of the season?

--- Quote ---the sheer height of it
--- End quote ---
Good point !

You're turn  :wink:

Spring break is a time for families taking trips. It is very rare a family will go back to the same spot later in the year, outside of the local area. And for a coaster like KK they might actually come back, but for a wooden And even if it is only 15 days, that still leaves a lot of impressions with the GP. With KK, they sure weren't good impressions.

I usually go to April at least 2x, as crowds get very heavy in the summer.

David Jr:
^ i know i'm off topic here but i still have alot of co-workers and bosses who want to ride KK despite the accident. Of course they know i'm well versed in coaster tech and what-not and they know i'll give them the straight scoop.

Back on topic here, I suspected from the begining El Toro wouldn't be ready for opening day so i'm not upset. No, I'm not upset at all. i just hope i don't have to put in for a day off from work to go to the opening.

Well, this argument has grown pointless.  The ride won't be open for opening day, nothing we can do about that, so it is time to move on folks.


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