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No El Toro for Opening Day

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Well it doesn't suprise me it won't be open for opening day . I really didn't think it would be according to the photo's comming out either from the park or from other message boards . I wonder if BBNP is even being worked on at this point? And where is this BBNP going anyway I just can't picture it in my head with the layout for el toro . Anyone know? with a 4 year old I am sure we will be in there at sometime  :wink: .

BBNP is not really attached to PDC in any way. It is over by where the bandstand is by the lake.

Ok now i get it . The way it sounded it made me think it was over there by toro and RT but now i know where it is good move since there is plenty of space there that has just sat there wasted. the bandstand never really had anything going on and it was kind of falling apart . I wonder if it is getting knocked down or are we going to have a kiddie show? i guess we will see this spring/ summer

Bubba Z: Thanks, Tom.

Not sure they will knock it down since they just re did the whole thing to house "We got the beat" . Plus it factors in with the theme of BBNP.


--- Quote from: "Bubba Z" ---
--- Quote ---Yes....every ride at CP is open on opening day (yes, even TTD opened with the park in 2003), HW's Voyage, which is a MUCH larger project than Toro will be ready for May, SFOG's Goliath will be all ready for their opening day, Hydra was open for DP's opening day, the Italian Job's have opened/will open with their respective parks, Nitro and Medusa opened with GADV....most parks open their new coasters on opening day
--- End quote ---

Ok, so I missed a couple , but I will and did still ride those coasters  the first year they were built. It's not a big deal that the coaster won't be open for three weekends in April. That's only 9 days of operation. It's not like that's the only ride going to be open come opening day. I can wait.

--- Quote ---Viper being knocked down earlier wouldn't have done much in terms of keeping RT open, as vertical construction couldn't have started with RT open.
--- End quote ---

They wouldn't have had to gone vertical. They could have put in footers Earlier than Oct 2nd worked on the station. cleared out the whole infield of RT. With Viper gone  it would have saved some time is all I'm saying.
--- End quote ---

1) More than 9 days. April is spring break time, a time of year in which a good amount of people come to the park and get their first impressions.

2) Most of the footers on Toro stretch out across the PDC, and unless they closed RT and the area, they could have never started that construction. The footers haven't slowed down the lift hill, the sheer height of it and slow progress has. Also, RT's infield was pretty much cleared before it closed.


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