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No El Toro for Opening Day

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--- Quote from: "Bubba Z" ---Has a coaster opened on opening day lately, anywhere ?  I also think , yeah it does seem slow but than again the lift is 188ft of wood not steel. Yes they could have done things a little different, but either way it seems people will complain no matter what. It's a loose loose situation.

Personally,  I would have knocked down Viper during the construction of Kingda Ka If they knew it wouldn't operate in the 05 season. This would have saved a couple of months, and Rolling Thunder could have been opened  all year.

Right now I'm thinking it will be snowing in April, so I can wait until it warms up a bit. Now if it takes till June than I will be upset.
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Yes....every ride at CP is open on opening day (yes, even TTD opened with the park in 2003), HW's Voyage, which is a MUCH larger project than Toro will be ready for May, SFOG's Goliath will be all ready for their opening day, Hydra was open for DP's opening day, the Italian Job's have opened/will open with their respective parks, Nitro and Medusa opened with GADV....most parks open their new coasters on opening day.

Yes people will always complain, but it would have been better for a few people to complain about RT being closed for the last 2 months rather than that and ET being closed for the 1st 2 months of the next year.

Viper being knocked down earlier wouldn't have done much in terms of keeping RT open, as vertical construction couldn't have started with RT open.

I am just so disappointed in GADV. last year was a lot worse, but there is no reason a P&P woodie can't be open for opening day. GADV is SF's shining star, it should be treated and ran like one.

^I was just going to say the same thing about the Voyage. Yes it may be built out of steel but the steel has to be put together to make it look like wood. Unless they are going for the Arrow effect. Anyways, its not really dissappointing that it wont open for Opening Day but how long after that? Maybe even stretch into may? Maybe longer. Who knows as of right now. It just shouldnt take THIS long for just a lift hill to be constucted. Its been over a month since we have topped this beast and the only part we have finished is the straight track into the turn. I know there are a set of 2 bents that stack on each other to reach the 188 ft mark correct? So why cant they start the bottom ones instead of saying concrete is ready for constuction. We already know its ready. Its been ready. Its just a little dissapointing.

Because by starting vertical construction in those places you guys want them to, they will still box in the cranes.  For some of the taller things, like the turnaround and some of those hills, the lower bents are 98 feet tall.

Patience everyone.  I know no one wants a crane smacking them in the face when they ride.  Just be patient and let them build in the way that they have to.

Its just frustrating to see very little progress. :(

The ride will be done when it is done. I think starting in February we will see a lot more progress with this ride through March. Also, the weather will probably improve, which is always good.



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