I was just testing our grammar hammer to make sure he wasn't getting rusty

And let me also point out that I typed all of that on my phone and its still spelled nearly perfectly LOL
I didn't get a chance to offload my pictures so that will have to wait until tonight but another tidbit I wanted to mention is the kickass deal in our season pass booklets for Papa Johns. We were trying to figure out what to do for dinner which always stresses me out at this park because there aren't a lot of easy options for the kids and adults that also have good prices and somewhere to sit. (BOTW comes to mind as not having the greatest kid selection but rocks for adults) So we decided on Papa Johns at the new location by the Wiggles World entrance. We noticed the family meal deal at a rather steep $42 bucks but then found a coupon for $10 off bringing it to just under $32. Now every time we've ever eaten as a family at Gadv its always come to around $30 for four of us so that didn't bother me as much. BUT, this is what you get:
A huge full pie pizza that was awesome
2 plates of cheesesticks (6 sticks in total)
A huge family salad you split up yourself (they give you plates)
4 water ices
A HUGE jug of soda with a nice carry handle and a flip lid to pour (they give you cups)
THIS IS A STEAL! Seriously, we probably could have fed 8 people with all the food we had. I fealt guilty throwing some away. We even gave away the salad platter since we jumped right into the pizza and got stuffed. On top of that, you can bring the soda jug back for $2 refills!
Had we purchased single slices for the four of us along with sodas, that easily would have been $30 right there.
I just had to share that LOL

I also have a picture of a 3/4 full Fort Independance statium for the Dolphin show. I don't remember the last time I saw this stadium nearly full.