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Author Topic: FIREWORKS Saturday June 7th (tomorrow) at Gloucester Township Day  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline PcMan

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If anyone is not heading to any parks on Saturday Night

FIREWORKS on Saturday June 7th (tomorrow) at Gloucester Township Day
Chewslanding road around 9pm

the fireworks are shot off at the Little Pond Golf Center on the Driving range
I know people that work there and we get a front row seat on the driving range
they are like almost over your head
And NO ONE IN FRONT OF YOU  so this is great location for the kiddies.

So if anyone wants to go PM or email me for a front row seat or just show up and walk in the front door to the driving range and I will be there.

Its about 2 miles west of Clementon park
and about 1 mile off Route 42
8 miles from Philly