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Author Topic: 6/5 trip ... 2 annoying things on overall good trip  (Read 1735 times)

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6/5 trip ... 2 annoying things on overall good trip
« on: June 06, 2008, 09:38:29 AM »
I will set the setting Me my two of my 3 kids , two other moms with two kids each ... we had 3 13 year old kids , one 8 year old and two 7 year olds. We used two BAFF coups. and they bought two sets of BOGO from Mickey D's coupons.

Upon entering the park I got my parent pass just incase I got to ride something today . This was mainly a kiddie trip not a mommy trip .

Big girls go on KK and mommies took the little ones to the parachutes .. BTW ONE parachute running just one not even two chutes on one side with one chute . Amazing is all I have to say .

Here are the two annoyances

One on rolling thunders line there was a group of teenagers up ahead the line was at least 20 min or so . So two more teens come and ask to join there group up ahead . We let them pass then about 4 or 6 more want to pass we said NO . They got up to right behind us and I did not let them pass . We told them to wait like eveyone else I can see one or two but six was crazy . So as the young girl gets to me she starts with a loud voice so I got a little loud with her . Others on line heard this and then reported it to the line attendents so the kids were then told to go to the back of the line.

The other thing is on Kingda Ka . The kids went on El Toro and ran over to KK at about 6:45 . The park closed at 7 so theline was a short line and they really wanted to ride again . The two girls with my daughter had never ridden before yesterday . They get on to to the platform in the station and wait in line a little after 7 my daughter calls me all upset . I could tell that she was very annoyed . The story is as they were waiting the attendents told everyone in the station that only the FIRST SIX riders  in each row would ride and that eveyone else would not get to ride they were closing the ride . My daughter let the two other girls go because we have season passes and they only visit once a year  and they were numbers 5 and 6 . So with my daughter I figured I would ask at Guest Relations if this was their new policy . I was under the impression and always thought that if you were up on the station you were going to get to ride unless the ride was down as was not the case last night . After the two girls rode and my daughter didn't we went to guest relations and spoke to a nice man named Bill. I explained the situation, I told him I knew that it was not his fault and that I knew there was not much he could do as the park was closed but I also told him if they were going to do that maybe they should have closed the line earlier or counted how many people they let in the station before hand.  I was a little annoyed because she did wait there for about 15 min and then another 20 for the other girls to get off. Bill took my name and address and told us to go to Guest Relations on my next visit for exit passes for her . I said thank you and left .

I don't even really need the passes it was  just the fact that if you are going to let them in the station then let them ride . That to me is a poor example of management . Either get someone to close the line at least a 1/2 hour before the park closes to clear the station or let eveyone up there ride .

All in all the little ones had fun and enjoyed the dark knight , skull mountain and all the flats they could ride . The weather helped out as it was nice and cloudy so the park was never fully packed just slightly crowded .