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The Off-Season Tour Trip Report

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Bubba Z:
"When I said I like coasters in a box, I was being facetious."

paging  Disney Thunder.

For Diana

The only spin I like in my amusement parks is on a flat ride. Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of the pictures.

Hehe...I rule

-Dainan "Taking my love of coasters to a new level" Rafferty


--- Quote from: darkridedan on March 27, 2008, 11:17:04 AM ---If I was remaining in the area, I would love to work at RT or TDK, Coastermom. Where I'm moving it might be possible to work at Voodoo or Talon!

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Dorney is a great park too but ...OURS IS BETTER ..Sorry couldn't resist ..LOL :)


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Dainan this time, we can't pin it on you.
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I think the best thing that you said that day was, "HEX! What did you do now!?!?" I nearly pissed myself :P

-Dainan "I hope to be at Batman soon" Rafferty


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