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New 2008 Park Map!

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Kind of sad :( to see Grannys go . We always went there for the Family special dinner . Nice big bucket of chicken for the family . Now where are we going to eat? Not at JR all the time too expensive. This may be a wawa / mcdonalds year after all for us .

After looking at the map more does anyone think that the new JR and Papa Johns could be the Hamburger / Chicken place across from the first drop near BTR? Over near where the tables were close to the enterance to WW. Just a thought since to me grannys would be futher over toward the big wheel area . Just a thought .

Millennium Force 44:
nice. it looks like there is definately not going to be a path that used to pass by the Musik Express.


--- Quote from: coastermom on March 04, 2008, 08:23:21 PM ---After looking at the map more does anyone think that the new JR and Papa Johns could be the Hamburger / Chicken place across from the first drop near BTR? Over near where the tables were close to the enterance to WW. Just a thought since to me grannys would be futher over toward the big wheel area . Just a thought .

--- End quote ---

That's what I thought too when I looked at the map.

I updated the Johnny Rockets thread the other day!!!

Grannys is staying lol  But there will be a Johnny Rockets over in that area and near El Toro.  Thats all I can say about that :D

edit:  while I'm at it, La Cocina is supposed to be staying as well.  The map is horribly inaccurate.

Sorry about that guys, I shouldn't of made assumptions on my part


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