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New 2008 Park Map!

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 ;D For Grannys staying . 

Sue I am glad it wasn't only me after looking at the map. I though maybe I was a little off but either way we will all find out on the 5th . That is all of us EXCEPT Wade since he already knows .  ;)

So I was thinking about Shapiro's interview at SFMM and the part regarding the Tilt-A-Whirl.  He had a pretty strong point: "No one comes to Six Flags Magic Mountain for the Tilt-A-Whirl.  If they did, I'd by 3 because they are cheap."

However, people do go to carnivals for things like that. It seems that his vision is to have a more sophisticated feel to the parks, with carnival/boardwalk rides being a thing of the past.  This, if the chain is given the time by the investors, could leave the parks in a place that we couldn't have imagined our humble little regional park going to.

Exactly. Well said.  They have a vision and a plan.  Something the previous regime seemed to not grasp. I do feel as though he should be doing a similar pr push here though because the locals won't stand for it if they don't know what is going on.  They will just see more and more rides going.  Btw - they fully expect to exceed their ride through-put record this season even with the fewer rides.  Not being strapped by these aging attractions is going to actually bring us newer and better ones :)


Looping Starship gone


Robert T Ackerman:
^ Looks like a perfect spot for a 3 point challenge ;)


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