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New 2008 Park Map!

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The New Map!

*Looks like the new Johnny Rocket's Locations have been reveled!
Edit: I stand corrected, the areas have

*Wok N' Roll is now Panda express
*Old Country as well as the Bumper Cars and Musik express are indeed gone
*Papa John's, Coldstone, and Carnegie Deli are back
*Wii is back
*Movietown is NOT a dead end
*Fly Me To The Moon is where Spongebob was
*RT is still standing ;) :P

-Thanks to Jerry for the heads up


--- Quote from: RobbW on March 04, 2008, 06:23:00 PM ---*RT is still standing ;) :P
--- End quote ---

It darn well better be!!!!

Robert T Ackerman:
I wonder if there will actually be grass and trees there behind Dark Knight...

Oh, and wasn't Wok N Roll transformed last year??? Where have you been Robb???

Yes, Panda Express was beside Skull Mountain last year....


did anyone ever eat there ?
it was kind of out of the way in the corner


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