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New Johnny Rockets

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I am totally thinking the HBO Backlot as that area will get alot of life from TDK


--- Quote from: GADVwow on February 29, 2008, 09:29:44 PM ---Some sources have indicated there will be TWO new Johnny Rockets at Great Adventure...can we assume the other one will be in the waterpark?

--- End quote ---
I'm presuming you missed the second part of my first post lol

Its going in Plaza in place of La Cantina.

Two NEW ones?  Where is the OTHER new one going?  Put another way, this would make THREE Johnny Rockets in the park, not just the one there last season.  Or did I really miss something?

I don't know the other new location for certain but I've heard it is going in Granny's.

Edit:  Yes, that would technically make 3 in the park.  However, I have no clue on the fate of the one that was open last season at the old Great American Hamburger by the fountain.

As long as it isn't in Best of the West.....

That would perturb me...and many others, I am sure.


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