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New Johnny Rockets

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I'm on the fence with it even being in the Plaza simply because of theme.  But yes, I would freak if it was BOTW lol

Grannys probably makes the most sense out of all of them.  Johnny Rockets was easily the most mobbed eating facility last season with lines going waaaayyy  out the door.  Grannys can handle the crowds and offer indoor seating.

Wow, that's a strange decision. I never ate at La Cocina but I heard the food was pretty good.

Oh yeah, I forgot La Cantina was renamed La Cocina last season.  Thanks for the reminder Chuck and good to see ya!

Bubba Z:

--- Quote from: WadeJ on March 01, 2008, 09:33:11 AM ---  Grannys can handle the crowds and offer indoor seating.

--- End quote ---

And the dancing!   

Well, to a certain degree, I've found out that some of this information is inaccurate.  There will still be three Johnny Rockets "locations" and the general vicinity is correct but until I 100% confirm where they are going and what they consist of, I'm not saying any more lol


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