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Author Topic: Q-bot on El Toro  (Read 4254 times)

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Offline Nozzy

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Q-bot on El Toro
« on: January 06, 2006, 01:36:43 PM »
So far Six Flags has done a horrible job integrating Q-bot into the rides.  What was a good attempt at doing it on the newer coasters has failed completely with the lack of staff.  The older rides get annoying as there's always the people taking your seats or rows going out empty.  So, my question is do you think they will finally be able to make a system that can work with minimum staff?  

The only ride that comes close so far is Medusa, easily accesible by the attendent but not near a main enable panel, and still drastically slowing down the line.  Keep in mind that while Kingda Ka had the separate entrance it still needs someone out there.
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Offline blazzinmatt

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 02:40:55 PM »
Well how do the other parks integrate Q-Bot or whatever program they use and what do you think could solve this problem of better implementation of the program?

Offline ChuckR

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2006, 03:06:58 PM »
SFNE does it very well IMO. You join the line right in the station, so you can choose what row you want and ect. Also, they only let 2 train loads of people in the station at all time(Except front row and back row).

Offline WadeJ

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 03:08:12 PM »
I have no idea at this point how they will improve this process while using a "used" station.  The queue and station design are key to making this work.  Parks like Disney and Universal have completely seperate queues (like Kingda Ka)  to accomadate this.  Viper loaded and exited on one side only but I'm not sure if El Toro will work the same.  Somehow, I have a feeling they took this into consideration though and since the station was completely gutted and no old pathways exist, they can basically do whatever they want with it.

As for staffing problems, thats across the board for Gadv.  Would you rather have them shut down a major coaster so that other coasters can have Q-Bot?  Probably not lol.  They would staff those positions in a heartbeat if they could find somebody to work them.

Offline NYRfan85

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2006, 04:03:57 PM »
Who's with me in saying we should get rid of the Qbots all together? :D
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Offline blazzinmatt

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 04:14:25 PM »
See they would never do that because they make decent money off of them. Walk around the park one day and look how many people and big groups are carrying around the Qbot.

See the thing is SFNE lets you right into the line, but then you get people who will push by other people not to let you in the line and be total jerks about it. I am not sure, what they will do to implement a better system into ET, with its current station.

Offline sir clinksalot

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2006, 05:21:16 PM »
Quote from: "NYRfan85"
Who's with me in saying we should get rid of the Qbots all together? :D

Absolutely NOT!!!

I love the Q-bot. I have used it at SFGADV, SFOG and SFOT. I have to say the park that had it down the best was SFOT followed by SFOG.

I had never seen anything like the way SFGADV would just block off rows.

Magic Mtn doesn't even have Q-bot. We have stupid fastlane but not even they block off rows.

That being said we would have never been able to do SFGADV in 4 hours if it weren't for Q-bot.
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Offline SilverBullet

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2006, 05:37:37 PM »
My opinion on the GAdv q-bot:

Integrated nicely rides:

Nitro (at all times)
S:UF (when they have the staff)
Medusa (At all times)
Kingda Ka (at all times)

Badly integrated rides:
GASM (they make you wait in box for the designated row to open which takes a few runs)
Batman: Same story
Chiller: Same story
and the rest block off a row and decrease capacity.

El Toro, like the rest of the newer rides will have a nice system.

Offline chilled182

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2006, 05:53:20 PM »
SFMM had it right too.  for most rides.. you walked into a separate entrance and made your way to the station and than had to wait a few trains.  I think this is much better than what we do.. blocking off rows.  Its much more discreet having them walk into the station and have to wait in line there instead of having people look like VIP and making guests angry.
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Offline Nozzy

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Q-bot on El Toro
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2006, 06:58:52 PM »
Sorry I didn't put my opinion before which is eradicate Q-bots as well lol, but I will say that it is not good on Nitro with 2 attendents.  The load attendent has to take duck under or take down one chain to get to the stairs, then take off the chain.  It's also so far back that no one usually notices when line cutters come up it (yes I have seen them).  Likewise, being in the back its difficult to find any time to get to it, since with Medusa you have to walk up to the front anyway, and the op can clearly see everyone who comes up.  Also, the box is no longer used anywhere, ALL rides have rows blocked off other than KK.  (On Nitro and Medusa it's for the sheer amount of exit passes.)
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