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Topic: Kingda Ka Review (Read 7603 times)
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Kingda Ka
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Kingda Ka Review
November 16, 2005, 04:06:26 PM »
My First ride on Kingda Ka
It was May 17th, me and my cousin woke up that morning to go to the Commercial shoot for Kingda Ka. After all the months of waiting for it, we were finally going to ride this monster.
That morning we were all waiting to see it first launch, I will never forget it launch with the employees on it and I was like get me on this. After meeting up with a few people and chatting, they finally put us into groups to ride. Well, I got into group number two. Group one was first and they were the first full train of people to be dispatched on Kingda Ka. Just seeing them go and them coming back with their hair blown back and them speechless, the anticipation grew on me. They rode twice and got off because it broke down. All of group two starts to line up near the station to get on and we sit there and sit there. They tell us to go get lunch and come back as the camera on the train was having troubles. So we eat and come back and they board Group 1 again. They ride and while doing that they tell us that there going to run the other side with people. They only let four people on the two trains as the rest of the train was filled with water dummies. They called for four people and I grabbed my cousin and I got on the front train of Muffin as my first time.
We were in the back of the station. It was me and my cousin on the front and two other people in the second row. The rest of the train was filled with dummies on it that had faces drawn on them and such. They give the thumbs up and dispatch are trains. The moment I have been waiting for has finally become a reality. We roll out into the launch area and all I could gaze out is the 456' foot tower. My heart was racing and the anticipation was building, next thing you know...BERRRRRRRRRRRR!! The horn sounds and the train in front of me launches off and I just see it racing down the launch at 128 MPH. It clears the tower and we roll up, I glance up and see the train cresting the bunny hill and prepare to launch. We sit there for a minute, waiting and waiting for what it felt like was an eternity. Next thing I know, we roll back....BEERRRRRRRR...brakes drop and I say to myself, "here I go!!" We take off and I get flung back into my seat, I start to get tunnel vision and it just keeps going faster and faster. I start to feel my cheeks flap in the wind and my eyes try to shut from the wind and I try my hardest to keep them open.
Next thing I know, I am starting to pull up into the tower. Just racing up the tower and we begin to crest the top of the tower. I look to my left and see the whole park and just am like,"whoa...". I look forward and start to crest downwards and see the parking booths and the spiral. I feel like my head is gonna hit the support then I spiral 270 degrees and start to plummet towards the ground. We bottom out with my cheeks flapping again and going over 120+ MPH. We then crest up and fly over the 129 foot bunny hill and I float out of my seat. We then crest down and hit the brakes and turn back into the station. They unlock the restraints and I have the biggest smile on my face and just realized I conquered Kingda Ka. It was amazing, breathtaking and one hell of a ride. It was something riding it with water dummies, as probaly only a dozen people have done that.
I later rode it 14 times that day. The next day(5/18) I rode it over 40 times that day, those days were the best days of my life. I now have 78 rides on Kingda Ka, that launch never gets boring...
77 rides later and I still say the same about it....
Monkey Around
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #1 on:
November 16, 2005, 05:27:23 PM »
After 76 rides i can still remember every part of that ride from the first time. That ride must have felt longer cause Icould vision it in my head. I still rember the feeling of the launch and how blurry it got going down the launch track and up the tower. I remember looking out and seeing Kfc and MCD and they looked like boxes. My most amazing experience on kk by far.
Well riding Ka in the fog and getting over launched is great too.
Kingda Ka
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #2 on:
November 16, 2005, 10:31:23 PM »
It's just such a great ride. I remember a few rides, but for the most part those two days of the commercial shoot and the WB-11 shoot are all blurred together into one amazing experience.
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #3 on:
November 17, 2005, 09:14:14 AM »
I remember the rides while the helicopter was there the second day, the crew yelling at us to not get out of our seats they need to keep the ride going, and me thinking that this is a dream and I will never, ever hear those words again for Kingda Ka. "Folks dont get up, dont open your restraint, we have to send you out about another 20 times quickly, I hope you dont mind."
Kingda Ka
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #4 on:
November 17, 2005, 11:46:02 AM »
Forget coffee. One launch on Ka at 7:30 in the morning and you will be UP!
Peep the concept, you've got progress, you've got congress
We protest in hopes they confess, just proceed on your conquest
I ain't got no gavel, I ain't finna fight nobody battle
I just wanna be free, I ain't finna be nobody's chattel
Jolly Roger
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #5 on:
November 17, 2005, 03:22:44 PM »
My favorite was when they were yelling at us not to get up, and the kids in the back row said "Screw it! We can't take it anymore back here!" and got up anyways...
What was that? 15 launches in a row without moving. And don't forget... ROTATE!
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Would you just look at it?
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Kingda Ka
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #6 on:
November 17, 2005, 04:19:43 PM »
Yeah, I remember rotating in the orange train. That was awesome! That was probaly me in the back seat, I got stuck there for like 10-20 launches in a row, I thought my head was gonna burst.
Monkey Around
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #7 on:
November 17, 2005, 05:01:11 PM »
I wish that would happen on a normal day...Maybe when KK gets old in 8 years.
Kingda Ka
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Ehh, What's Up Doc!
Kingda Ka Review
Reply #8 on:
November 18, 2005, 02:50:04 AM »
I remember the front row ho messing up the rotation and everyone yelling at him. That was beyond annoying. Honestly, he's lucky that wasn't me because he would have just been gone.
Peep the concept, you've got progress, you've got congress
We protest in hopes they confess, just proceed on your conquest
I ain't got no gavel, I ain't finna fight nobody battle
I just wanna be free, I ain't finna be nobody's chattel
Jolly Roger
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #9 on:
November 18, 2005, 07:48:34 AM »
Oh god that kid... Oh god...I wanted to punch him in the face.
Kid: "I'll just wait for the front"
Production Assistant: "We need a full train"
Kid: "But I want the front"
PA: "We can't launch with any empty seats"
Kid: "But I waaaaaaant to wait for the front"
2009 Trips to GAdv: None Yet!
Bull Rides: (34) -- KKount: (65.5)
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Enchanted Teacups
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #10 on:
November 18, 2005, 12:20:01 PM »
Well, I hope that kid never expects to get a call for a shoot again.
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Monkey Around
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #11 on:
November 18, 2005, 02:49:31 PM »
Yea and he said he had like 60 rides. I dont know about that if he only waited for the front row...
Bubba Z
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Kingda Ka Review
Reply #12 on:
November 19, 2005, 02:19:26 AM »
So, when do you think it will be visible from outside the park. If at all. Of course you could always take reed rd I suppose. I was thinking more from the lake area off 537.
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