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Six Flags & The Wiggles @ SFGAdv


Wiggles and Six Flag's Wiggles World at SFGAdv
article from Australia

The Six Flags amusement park in Jackson, New Jersey, is a half-hour drive from the famous if somewhat dilapidated Jersey shore coastline whose clubs spawned the likes of Bruce Springsteen 35 years ago.

It is big. Really big. It spreads across 56 hectares, with an 18-hectare water park attached and, of course, a safari park nearby that covers another 175 hectares.

Along with food stalls that can clog your arteries as you walk by, rides galore and an eyrie from which you can see well into next week, you can risk your life on any of 13 roller-coasters, including one that claims to be the highest and fastest in the world.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans visit each spring and summer season: families and teenagers and juiced-up young adults. Until this year there were three sections devoted to young children, including the relatively new Bugs Bunny National Park and all did reasonably well. But in April a new young children's section opened and immediately outstripped the other three: Wiggles World.

"This is where families go first in the morning," says the theme park's evocatively named media manager, Angel Aristone, standing under a baking sun, as row upon row of seats fill in front of the stage positioned near the Big Red Plane ride, not far from Dorothy the Dinosaur's Racing To The Rainbow Balloon ride.

A phalanx of abandoned prams and strollers sit in an enormous huddle as the show, featuring Wiggles characters such as Captain Feathersword and Wags the Dog, has each child mouthing every word, mimicking every gesture and smiling broadly.

If this display, the Macy's Parade appearances and DVD and CD sales that dwarf any Australian rock band in the US market aren't enough confirmation that the Wiggles have completely infiltrated the American psyche, Aristone reveals that Six Flags has plans to open some 20 Wiggles Worlds across the US in the next few years.

I have seen the future - it's already here - and it is purple, blue, red and yellow. And skivvied.

A few hours north of semi-rural Jackson, the Continental Arena sits squat and unadorned amid a maze of overpasses and freeways, its view is not of trees but industrial buildings and low-flying planes arriving and departing from nearby Newark airport.

The room, which has played host to Springsteen and the E Street Band 15 times (as well as Bon Jovi, the Who and a decent basketball team or three), has been sold out for months for multiple Wiggles shows each day.

In the catering area, where the closely knit travelling troupe of dancers, singers and crew chow down on a substantial spread or get a massage, sit the four Australian men who control this empire. Murray Cook (red, aka the rocking Wiggle), Anthony Field (blue, aka one-time bachelor of the year Wiggle), Jeff Fatt (purple, aka the narcoleptic Wiggle) and Sam Moran (yellow, aka the new boy Wiggle).

They banter with and stir each other, comfortable in each other's company, including Moran who replaced founding member and principal vocalist Greg Page late last year after a serious illness forced Page to retire from performing. And they're all switched on to both the people and the business side of their enterprise, which generates about $50 million a year in revenue. Wiggles World didn't happen by accident.

"A lot of those places don't really cater for the young part of the family," Cook says. "[Wiggles World] was partly driven by having already done it at Dreamworld [in Queensland] but, like a lot of things we do, it was a matter of having things that were appropriate for the children because, at a lot of those theme parks, they are the lost people."

There is an emphasis at Wiggles World on parental involvement - joint rides, for example - unlike the old days where parents might stick their kid on a ride and sit back and watch. "I really noticed in the audience that it's much more a family thing," Cook says. "In Australia, it's more mum and the kids, while here it's the whole family, sometimes grandparents as well. Sometimes they all come dressed as us."

Field continues: "Our theory on that is that Australians have a lot more leisure time. And Americans, on their day off they will all go and make it a big experience, put everything into it. Even in the audience, they'll have signs made."

What do the signs say? Marry me, Anthony?

They all laugh and then in unison, as if on stage, answer: "Marry me, Dorothy."

At shows this year, both in the US and Australia, there have been a lot of signs saying "We miss Greg" but welcoming Sam. Sam Moran has been in the hot (yellow) seat for a year and had filled in for Page for several years beforehand - but does he still feel like the new kid? Does he still think he needs to introduce himself to the audience?

"Yes, in a little way," he says. "Everywhere we go now, it's the first time we've performed since it happened and that will happen for at least a year."

As Cook says, "Apparently the Stones still call Ronnie Wood the new boy", and that is after more than 30 years of playing with the band so Moran may have some way to go. On the other hand, a Wiggles audience turns over every three or four years, so it probably won't be long before pretty much everyone in the audience knows only one yellow Wiggle. That's if they even notice the person behind the skivvy.

"I was in Darling Harbour recently with my wife," Field says, "actually it was just after Greg left and we were sitting there enjoying our coffee. This gentleman came up to me and said, 'You don't look that sick, do you?"' he laughs hard at the memory. "I said, 'It's not me, it's Greg."'

When the group announced Page's retirement, they were asked if they had considered quitting altogether. Their response was that they loved performing and were looking forward to the challenge of re-establishing the group. As cliched as that sounds, it may well have been true, the three original members talking still of the renewed energy they've felt this year.

That isn't an open-ended feeling, though; they're all past 40, their knees are probably older and none of the three need to work ever again. So have they perhaps thought they can move on, leaving Moran to take the Wiggles forward with new faces? Field had confessed to me earlier that, after a sleepless night thanks to a bus breakdown on the way from Pittsburgh to Newark, he had, briefly, thought "I can't do this any more".

"We always thought that we would continue doing it for as long as we could physically do it - and for as long as we enjoyed it," Cook says. "The physical side is hard sometimes, the jumping up and down. But when you get out there, you are aware that for many of these kids they are going to be excited about it for a long time afterwards."

Anyway, he adds, age is "not such an issue with kids because they think all people over 20 are old. They are not really aware of the difference in ages."

The four dress in their skivvies and take up positions for the pre-show meet and greet. The occasion isn't for local celebrities or Hollywood actors or rock'n'roll stars who regularly turn up at shows with their young children - it's for audience members, several with special needs.

The families arrive with cameras and children but the Wiggles organisation is there taking Polaroids, which are given away at the end of the session. There's no urgency, no pressure on the children. One girl, Annie, walks in too nervous to speak and her mother is anxious that she may miss her turn to meet them because of her shyness.

Not a problem, Cook says. Why not let Annie stand nearby until she's ready to speak? Sure enough, a few minutes later she steps up for her photo and a cuddle with Cook and Captain Feathersword. Then, beaming fit to light up the Continental Arena, she bounces out of the room with Wiggles memories aplenty.

Previously posted here:,1943.msg20111/topicseen.html#new


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