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Update's 2007 FrightFest review.

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Every Year (Since our exsistence of course!) Great Adventure has invited us to their FrightFest Media preview night too come back and give our friends a review of the FrightFest activities. Normally Wade would do this (Because he's better at it!) but, he's away so, I will do my best to fill them shoes! LOL  I brought my husband because, he's a better critic then I and, my two kids so we can get a kids view on the shows as well.

The weather was a balmy, humid 80+ degress so, would FrightFest still be able to give us a CHILL under such abnormal weather conditions? The park was packed, my husband and I sat for a few minutes to figure out a plan and, off we went....

First we decided to walk the semi crowded park so we could take in the decor and get this year's overall FrightFest feel.

Psycho Circus!

Lakefront Cemetary...

A photo oppertunity!

Okay, On to the shows!

Movietown Cemetary Statue Garden

This is located in Freefall's old spot. There are two Statue looking actors who come to life and move around to some rythmic style music. There is a touch of humor to their actions and, their acting and timing, is very well done. My kids were slightly bored because it took a while for them to "get it" but, the end of the show there is some participation with the audience that makes up for the slow start. My guess is that this show is much better at night and, it will get even better as the actors get more practice. I can only give this a daytime rating of 5/10 stars. The kids weren't terribly interested.

Professor Slither's Creepy Critters!

This show was a true attention getter! Professor Slither's and his assistant Witch "Way" pull up in a golf cart and the antics begin! If your walking past, you can't help but stop and want to take a look. Once you take a look, your not leaving! They did a fantastic job with audience participation. This show is funny for both children and, adults! My kids laughed their butts off and instantly declared this their favorite show for the moment. It is also a plus that they throw in educational tidbits about the critters! The kids agreed with us on giving this show 10/10 stars!

The Awakening

This by far sets the tone for the "Chills By Night" statement the park makes. Very, very, well Choreographed and, the costume and make-up jobs (as always) are incredible! My oldest son began blowing the Ghoul repellent whistle early on! The unfortunate thing ( my friend Kristen warned me to!) Is that it's popularity is so large that if you don't wait by the fountain at 5pm instead of 6pm when it starts, your going to miss out on the actors doing a dance routine mirroring Michael Jackson's Thriller video. We were lucky to even be able to see the tops off their heads moving :( . So the big word of advice here, get there extremely early!

This is the horrendous crowd!

Psycho Sideshow

This is located in front of Spongebob/Elvira's Superstition. You encounter a rather interesting Skeleton looking fellow who had a very hard time with his background Music and organization. I am sure this was just because it was his second night and, he explained all this but, it was making my kids antsy. Once This Skeleton was rolling on with the show he introduces a Zombie Baby named Cheezwitz! Cheezwitz started making my kids laugh. The Skeleton threw in some adult humor and the crowd began to enjoy the show. The kids thought the show was good once it (Baby Cheezwitz!) started rolling. We give this 6/10 stars.

Cavalcade Of The Odd

This was your typical not for the squeamish, nails, foreign objects stuck up the nose, kind of show. The kids were grossed out from what we could see and of course, the "freaks" crack jokes and make light of their freaky situations. Shows like this have been a part of every Gadv FrightFest and, they never seem to get seriously old since we only get to see them in October! The kids give this 8/10 on the gore scale!

By now the crowds were making it almost impossible to see anything :(

Ressurection Of Marshmallow Man

This of course is staged in the Golden Kingdom Arena and features the Tigers. The kids enjoyed the music, Jokes, and of course, The Tigers! This was a clever idea to incorporate Halloween into the Golden Kingdom year after year. I did not get to see it last year but, it looked to be a crowd pleaser this year. We all laughed at the cheesy humor bu,t the tigers of course own the show. My kids are continuosly amazed with getting to see these huge cats live and in person. There's a little audience participation and, I am sure the cats do something new or, differant with each show. We gave this 8/10 stars.

There are so many things to see this year and, I am not able to get to the park before 2pm so, I am afraid I'll need help or, more time reviewing the rest of FrightFest. The shows above were all I was able to catch due to the gigantic crowds and, the kiddie shows ending earlier on in the day. Here is a list of shows we still need reviews for...

Voyage to Voodoo Island (Dolphin Show)

Elvira's Superstition is a given that I am sure almost everyone has seen!

Hypnosteria (If it has changed at all)

Monster Mash Bash (Bugs Bunny National Park)

Dead and Local (Staged near the dolphin show)

Night Of Shadows (Movietown Arena)

Arena Of Doom (starting Oct 13th in Northern Star Arena)

Zambora (Season Pass processing area)

Demented Forest Terror Trail

Spooky Spells Magic Show Oct 13th

Wiggle Halloween show

Parents don't forget Nickelodeon's slime Across America Saturday October 27th!

If anyone would like to add a review of any of the above shows here, it would be greatly appreciated! It certainly goes to show that there is enough going on at the park this FrightFest to make repeat visits just to see it all! Of course we all also know that the Scare Actors are the reason for the season!!! Not a single person I know that doesn't enjoy being scared or, watching others be scared. It is a fact that this is the only time my husband willingly deals with the Gadv crowds :) If you would like to see all of my 66 pictures from FrightFest you can go here...          

I almost forgot! If FrightFest doesn't give you chills, Chiller's demise just might.....   I know these pictures are now everywhere but, I thought I'd add my view of it too..

Note The infamous Inflatable Spider On MTWE's Roof!

Almost Ironic Chiller is coming down around NitroChillerNJ AkA Steve U's passing anniversary :(  RIP Steve and Chiller!  :'(


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