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Glow in the Park Parade coming in 2008!

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Bubba Z:
Here's some background on the Gary Goddard


It looks like they have done quite a bit of work for Hershey's.
And Star Trek the Experience in Vegas!

Robert T Ackerman:

--- Quote from: WadeJ on November 17, 2007, 02:11:56 PM ---The "Over 60 performers" part is what surprised me.  This is going WAY beyond just being a bunch of lit floats.  I'm really looking forward to this.   It makes you wonder if this is the same type of night time parade they are creating for Animal Kingdom to keep people around later at night.

--- End quote ---

I think keeping AK open AFTER 6 pm on any given day will also help keep people in the park longer!

This looks like it will be cool, and should keep some more people away from the coasters during the night time rides!


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