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2008 - ???

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--- Quote from: pcman on August 31, 2007, 02:08:13 PM ---Lets get a count
anyone know ?

I here something in St louis

and this from todays screamscape

2008 - New Attractions, Great Adventure - Rumor - (8/31/07) The latest rumor indicates that some kind of family sized coaster may be on the way next season. I suppose this could be either a spinning style coaster like Tony Hawk, or perhaps something as simple as a Wild Mouse. Anyone know more?

--- End quote ---

Now a tony hawk where FF was would be nice or in that area anyway .

I think some of us will be heartbroken next season but I believe the park will grow stronger and become more of a travel destination rather than attraction.

Now what does that mean Clint...

Only time will tell. :)

Bubba Z:
If he's talking about Chiller breaking my heart,  At this point I really don't care if they take it out. It's been a headache for everyone involved from the start.


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