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Thanks Bubba

I just realized how bad that paragraph sounded though LOL

I should have added that if we had gotten to go home, SHE was insisting that I was to still go - it sounded as though all I was worried about was getting to ride Nitro this morning lol

At least I have wireless access on my laptop since I work here ;)


--- Quote from: WadeJ on August 16, 2007, 03:33:25 PM ---Glad things went well everybody.

My wife is doing better.  We are still in cardiac care but she should hopefully be discharged within the next few hours.  I thought I'd be at the event because we thought we'd be home Tuesday.  Then Tuesday turned into Wednesday.  Then we thought for sure Wednesday evening but things still just weren't right.  Even with my inside connections at the hospital things seem to take forever :(.  The more concerning issue now is how to handle the next 4 months of pregnancy!

--- End quote ---

Glad to hear the wife is feeling better. 4 Months left and will she be on bed rest for that? That can be hard with two other little guys in the house. I hope she is feeling well enough not to be on bed rest. OH but how I remember the days of being prego . We are now offically done we just gave our last stroller away this week and in WDW our 5 year old didn't even use it once :) .

I was on my way to the event and also Had a Family emergency so had to turn around .
And missed out   :'(
I was dying to get to the park (been a few months) and this would have been a awesome time.  :-\
any one have pics ?

Wade Hope all is OK

Bubba Z:
Tom, Just imagine 20 people on Nitro ...Now imagine 20 people on Toro.  That's what it looked like.  They also did a little segment over at wiggles world where  I got the pleasure of meeting Ron.  Ron is the photographer who took the imfamous front row shot of Wade and I on El Toro.


Toro also   :'(

I'm trying not to think of it


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