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For those of you in Cablevision areas (North Jersey, NY and parts of CT), be sure to tune in to their morning news program on TV12 tomorrow morning.  Much of it will be broadcast live from Great Adventure  :D ;D

Is it a live segment or are they doing the whole news show live?

some one record
I think I get that channel but may not have time to find it


--- Quote from: pcman on August 15, 2007, 08:42:40 PM ---some one record
I think I get that channel but may not have time to find it

--- End quote ---

I am taping it. Hopefully its news12. I won't be able to upload it though.

Well you won't see much of the Nitro footage! Unless they show'd differant segments during the morning edition? I did catch Bubba and I on their little clip from ET. Awesome day but, I am whooped! Thanks Wade, I hope Trev is feeling better!!! Thanks Chuck for riding with my nutty kid since I am NOT cool anymore LOL. It was nice meeting three updates members for the first time today and, of course major thanks to Angel and, Jen!


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