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Changes to Houdini's Great Escape

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In the pre-show of Houdini, the screan that drops down from the cieling and projector have now been removed and a TV screen is now in it's place!

-Dainan "Just like SFNE" Rafferty

Robert T Ackerman:
Yeah, it's been like that for a little while now. I noticed that last season I think actually. I could very possibly be wrong though.

^...I hate to say it, but you are. Earlier this season they had the projector going. In fact, in June they had the projecter. I don't know when this happened, but I got the word from staff members today!

From what I heard last season, too many park patrons would screw it up so I guess they finally gave up the fight.  If I recall, the majority of last season there was absolutely no video at all so.

This does suck though as I'd consider it a step in the wrong direction.

The one in SFNE has a TV now also .


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