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Batman status

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I gots the video. :)

Well as promised here are the pictures...

Little blurry, oops  ::)

There you have it, 3/4 of Batman's RED train.

Nice pics Chuck..  This is awesome to see.  I'm curious if the ride will be any more intense with one less car on each side.  Or, I guess they could get away with even few LIMs with the lesser weight  ::)

hey this is great news at least we have a train back .Now if they get it up and running that is even better news. BTW I really don't like the fact that both sets of trains are red now . Does anyone else think it sets off the effect of batman and robin??

Don't quote me on this but from what I "heard", the Batman train will only remain red until we get the 2 cars from Premier.  Then they will do the entire train at once.

I agree though, it will look rather odd lol


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