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Batman status

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do you think we will ever see them run both trains at once ? I know years ago they did this  a few times but never since then .

They actually do it all the time when both sides are actually working at the same time lol

Just last season Batman and Robin were open together for a little over a month.  They will not launch them at the exact same time though.  Usually they wait for one train to start dropping back down the spike to send the other out which makes for a rather cool feeling when you see the other one go by.

Its kinda like RT how even though its in rather bad shape, its still a whole lotta fun when they race it.

yes I have to agree with you on the RT thing. Now that we are riding it more  with our son I m begining to enjoy it more and see that it really needs some love and WD40.

I guess Batman is undecided if he wants to be Batman or Robin.....


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