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Author Topic: Photo TR: 6/7/07 or "I didn't break Rolling Thunder twice"  (Read 2000 times)

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Offline CycloneMan

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Photo TR: 6/7/07 or "I didn't break Rolling Thunder twice"
« on: June 08, 2007, 12:32:59 AM »
Date: June, 7th, 2007

Time: 10:45am-5:45pm

Anthony (my twin brother)
Anan (best friend)
Dan (kkrider09)
Mike (sickskillz14)

The Report:
So we arrived at the park at about 10:45am, to see a packed entrance! Thankfully I had a cupoun for a Free Gold Q-Bot (it's a few years old, but never used). I got it up to 6 people just in case, even though it started with just four of us (Me, Anthony, Anan, and Pebbles). Little did I know I'd need it for six! So we went over and tested the Gold Q-Bot at Skull Mountain. We walked right on and got the 5th car! It was a great ride as usual.

After Skully we Flashpassed Batman The Ride. We got the second to last row! It was a great ride as usual! After BTR we headed over to Robin: Chiller. They got rid of the Flashpass, because they are currently building a new Flashpass line! The line was all the way down the ramp, to the entrance of the building, and we waited, seriously, only 20 minutes! Which included miss-alligning one of the trains! It was everyone's first time with the hump (besides me) and it was Pebbles' first time ever on it! We all loved it. Anan and Anthony like the hump better. He said it reminded him of Thunder Dolphin.

After Chiller we went on over to Houdini's Great Escape. This is my favorite attraction (non-coaster) at the park. And what a dissapointment. Int he Pre-SHow, the screen didn't work, there was only one candle on on the candelabra! In the main show, only one key showed and the work lights above you were on, and scalfating and caltwaks were visible through most of the show, and it made you sick when it went past! And overall, people don't know when to shut the hell up!

We then headed over to Rolling Thunder. They had the right side running so we flashpassed it! Mike was going to meet us at El Toro is 10 minutes, so we went on to kill some time! We go through the bumy and airless ride to get back into the brakes. We sit there. I look over and see them manually releasing lap bars in the station and getting people out and behind the air gates! CRAP! So they do the announcment, yada yada yada! We sat there for at least 10 minutes. Just goofing around and what not. Finally the get us back in. 

After that ordeal at RT, we met up with Mike (sickskillz14). We all flashpassed El Toro and walked right up to the middle, because that's where Anan wanted to sit! We start out and go up the lift. Up up up, slow down slow down slow down to the point where the lift stops and then it releases. You now creep around the turn really slowly, bulding great suspense for the drop(BTW: This is permanent). Then comes the drop. The rise still runs the same. Maybe .2% slower, nothing noticable. It's still fantastic!

After that we headed over to the worst ride of the day! Medusa. That's right, Medusa. It was running so rough today. Me and Mike couldn't beliebe how rough it was. It was rougher than an SLC and those rock hard restraints don't help much. This ride is getting old and needs a refurb STAT!

After that we tried to use the vending machines to get Power Aid, but that was a failure. So we met up with Dan (kkrider09) and we all went on Saw Mill Log Flume. We got an acceptable amount of water!

After that we headed over and Flashed Ka and headed over to The Great American Scream Machine. Anan decided that he didn't want to ride, once he was locked in, so he went bye bye. The ride was okay. The line was no longer than 5 minutes.

Anan and Pebbles went to do Spongebob 3D while Dan, Mike, Anthony and I headed over to Kingda Ka. We waited for the front row of CP Beat It. This was the perfect weather for a front row ride on Ka! It was smooth and the ejector was great!

After KK we went over to Moma Floras to get a Gyro. Dan and Mike went over to Chiller while the rest of us went on Blackbeards Lost Treasure Train (Pebbles didn't have the credit) and Skull Mountainagain! We then scanned for Nitro while we waited for Mike and Dan. Anan backed out and so did Pebbles because she was feeling a little sick. So the four of us got the last row! Great airtime! Usual Nitro ride!

After Nitro we flashed for Congo Rapids. Mike had to go meet back up with his school, so it was back to just 5 of us! We got on Congo and woa! I finally got wet on this thing, and the water falls were off! I got completely pwnd by one wave! It was priceless! When we got to the lift, we saw our friend Walter operating the lift! So we talked to him while our raft kept getting stacked! Then he took out the blow horn to yell something to me, but by that point we were going into the station!

With little time to spare we stampeded twords El Toro where we Flashed it, and it said 10 minutes. We didn't really have enough time, so we went over to Rolling Thunder, because now they had the left side running. After some bickering on weather to go on or not, we finally did. It turned out Darkridedan was oeprating. Dan got the front row with some kid, while Anthony and Anan sat behind him. Me and Pabbles got last row. Train checked, all clear, Dispatch! We start to leave the station and then BAM! The train makes a suddon stop, and they keep pushing, and I turn to see there's no train in the breaks! Oh crap, train stuck at the top of the lift! The control panel never indicated a break down so they evacuated the ride! They did our train imediately and about 15 minutes later, the train on the lift!

Anan and Anthony decided to go to Skully, and that's when we heard the Flashpass go off for El Toro. We decided to ride being we were no more than 20 feet away from it. So we got in the last car. I sat alone 2nd to last, and Pebbles and Dan sat in front of me! It then turned out that KingdaToro was sitting behind me in a yellow ACE shirt! We rode, the ride is still great! After that I returned the Flashpass and went home!

Photos: What you really care about

Anan, Pebbles and Anthony

I don't like this crowd!

This lovely little paper turns into...

THIS! Yay!!!!!!!

Aww Robin is all alone. Just like at Chiller.

Great, an other photo of Chiller!

{Insert caption here}

Pebbles and Anan in line for Chiller

Anthony excited for his first ride with the hump.

MIKE! Welcome to the Photo Trip Report. Now you will have stalkers each time you go to the park!

Anan nervouse about his first ride on Toro.

Ah, what a lovely train!

The airtime never gets old!

Back to Front: Pebbles, Anan, Me and Dan on SMLF!

Anthony and Mike on SMLF (Mike got super saturated!)

DAN!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?

Double D

Blueberry Muffin was on the transfer track all day. The one train on KK I've never ridden.

Anthony and Dan in the front row of CP Beat it on lovely Kingda Krap...Ka.

Anthony and Dan launching!


Dainan and Mike launching!


Dan got this cool shot of us coming back!

Dan, Dainan, Anthony, and Mike have a fetish for choking each other Nitro!


Kingda Toro (in yellow ACE shirt), Dainan, Dan and Pebbles finishing there day on El Toro.

-Dainan "What a great day" Rafferty
« Last Edit: June 08, 2007, 02:35:34 PM by CycloneMan »

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Offline Bubba Z

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Re: Photo TR: 6/7/07 or "I didn't break Rolling Thunder twice"
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2007, 09:17:28 AM »
 Great PTR, That Nitro picture is classic ! 

Offline coastermom

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Re: Photo TR: 6/7/07 or "I didn't break Rolling Thunder twice"
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2007, 09:20:04 AM »
hey I seen you in the park yesterday. We were in a large group of people but i knew it was you right after my daughter pointed you out. When I went to go say hi you were already gone. We were over by nitro and congo rapids. I did recongize you from your PhotoTR's . We had an ok day in the park not half as good as yours . We did do R&S on ET front row pretty cool. Oh cause when you have a camera and NO memory card it is hard to take photos. AHHH

Offline CycloneMan

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Re: Photo TR: 6/7/07 or "I didn't break Rolling Thunder twice"
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2007, 02:39:29 PM »
^^Thanks! We planned the photo on Nitro as we were going down the drop!

^Your daughter pointed me out? She knew who I was? It would of been nice to meet you. But there is always next time!

-Dainan "Six Flags America and Washington DC this weekend" Rafferty

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Offline coastermom

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Re: Photo TR: 6/7/07 or "I didn't break Rolling Thunder twice"
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2007, 07:21:06 PM »
^^Thanks! We planned the photo on Nitro as we were going down the drop!

^Your daughter pointed me out? She knew who I was? It would of been nice to meet you. But there is always next time!

-Dainan "Six Flags America and Washington DC this weekend" Rafferty

Yeah she said and i quote " hey mom isn't that the guy from the web site you go to . I remember him from the pictures" so see someone is always looking .

Offline Dubya91

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Re: Photo TR: 6/7/07 or "I didn't break Rolling Thunder twice"
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2007, 11:36:58 AM »
Cool TR Dainan, Great Photos too! Seems like your brought the usual creatures along with you  ;). When did you get the Gold Q-Bot Ticket? Now, On that Note, Off to Halo 3....
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