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New Lockers at Nitro

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Robert T Ackerman:
Nitro has recieved new station lockers. They are actually a really nice concept. They are free, and they lock electronically. Each train has it's own color locker and seat on each train has it's own, numbered locker. The lockers that are in use stayed locked until the train comes back into the station and the ride operator will tell the guests which color lockers to open. I was quite impressed with this new system, oh and the use of 3 trains!  ;D Hopefully this works out and doesn't become a hassle in the future.. we all know how the guests can get!

Wow  ;D

I think they actually just one-upped Universal's system.  Thats a rather cool concept!

I will take a picture of it today when I go.

Bubba Z:
Be sure and say Hi to the old Nitro lockers now in Medusa's station if you were unaware , lol.   With all these new trip reports I really need to start using my season pass again. I haven't been to the park since April.  

Clint got pictures of the new lockers today. He is going to upload them when he gets home tonight.


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