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Author Topic: Pirates 3/summer movies  (Read 1331 times)

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Offline summahboy

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Pirates 3/summer movies
« on: May 24, 2007, 04:12:30 PM »
I figured I posted this up at GAInsider, why not here too? I thought that it might deserve its own topic since it is like the biggest movie this summer next to Spiderman 3 and Shrek 3. But I went to a free private screening of Pirates 3 last night and I decided I'd write a little review.

Good Points:
- amazing special effects
- when there is action, its intense
- very bloody compared to the others and other PG-13 movies
- lots of Jack Sparrow
- kinda out there from the rest
- Davey Jones was lookin bad butt
- Kiera Knightly and Keith Richards
- great opening

Bad Points:
- almost 3 hours long
- a few pointless characters
- about 45. min of the movie could've been cut out. There were stories in the movie that didnt need to be there and ended up no where. Pirates tries to mess around with you but only confuses
- by the last 30 min. the movie becomes entirely unrealistic and stupid
- Calypso
- answers no questions from the 2nd film
- Pirate war isnt brought to full potential
- turning seemingly meaningless things from 1 and 2 and making them have something to do with something which was unnessecary
- Jack Sparrow becomes a little retarded and clearly used for humor
- Keith Richards doesnt offer any humor. I was expecting a humorous convo. between father and son.
- terrible ending with more unsolved questions, only creates more confusion, and obviously sets it up for a 4th movie EVEN though they said they might not do it.

What made Pirates 1 great was the action, acting, and the simple, yet gratifying story
What made Pirates 2 great was the intensity and the trecherous adventure that they had to do to keep the heart of Davey Jones away from the trading company so they dont rule the seas

You will get confused in this movie, so for anyone wanting to know, theres no spoilers, but this is the basic story:

Basically, #3 is the same story as the first, only the trading company has the heart. So they control the seas. They want all the corners of the world and want to destroy every pirate. Since they have the heart, he control Davey Jones. Davey Jones fell in love with a goddess named Calypso. The Pirate council (from 9 pirates around the world) created a ceremony where they made Calypso a human and sealed it in a burning of 9 meaningless objects (? go figure). Now they gather all the pirates up again to 1) fight against the trading company (basically england) and 2) free Calypso and see if she will help them...which she doesnt.

Any other story line in the entire film has nothing to do with anything. They all run in circles and lead nowhere and are totally pointless. Follow what I wrote, it will make sense.

Pirates 3 is definitly the worst of this "trilogy." It's not a terrible movie but compared to 1 and 2, it is. And the order goes like this from best 2 worst - 1, 2, 3.
It's a shame though that if this is really the last movie, that it will go out like that. And why is it that this year every movie has a 3rd and they all suck? Spiderman 3 was awful. Shrek 3 was ok, funny at times but just uncomparable to the 1st 2. And Pirates 3 was disappointing compared to the 1st 2.
Spiderman 3 - 2/10; Shrek 3 - 6/10; Pirates 3 - 6/10

Offline WadeJ

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Re: Pirates 3/summer movies
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 10:14:02 AM »
Thanks for your take on it.    I can't say for sure if I totally agree with you though until I see it so I'll report back later.

For those that are diehard Disney/Pirates fans, here is a neat viewpoint on the movie - http://www.miceage.com/suekruse/sk052507a.htm

There is also a link to the red carpet premier.

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Re: Pirates 3/summer movies
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 11:39:57 AM »
 Random note ***   I wanna go see this movie at the Delsea drive-in .

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Re: Pirates 3/summer movies
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 12:08:11 PM »
Eh...I didn't find this movie to live up to the second one. The only good part in my opinion is the Maelstrom. But it was rather confusing with all the double crossing going on throughout the movie.

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Re: Pirates 3/summer movies
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2007, 12:06:28 AM »
Wayyy too many traitors and flip flopping to keep track....It was a somewhat good movie but the idea has become watered down...It's just not as good as the first

I just walked home from the movies, a good ol' 4 Miles :( :(
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