Thank you all for such quick responses. I havent been around in awhile, college has been taking its toll on me.
Bubba, Bri is pretty awesome.. but hes lazy too so, the next chance you all get.. tell him how good he is at making videos so he wants to make them more often! Im still trying to get him to make a parkwide video because, the last one we have predates toro and king.
pcman.. what town do you live in? cross keys wasnt too far a drive for me.. its pretty cool that you have skydiving in your town. Take full advantage of that, because its so worth it.
and to everyone else, thanks again. Its been hard to deal with over the past couple of months, but to celebrate her birthday with friends and family in such a cheerful atmosphere, was unbelievable.. and im going to have to say that even that video really does the entire day no justice.