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Author Topic: Photo Trip Report - Coasters After Dark  (Read 1461 times)

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Offline Mysterio

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Photo Trip Report - Coasters After Dark
« on: May 05, 2007, 06:02:51 PM »
Me ( Josh... errr Mysterio )
Gabe ( Gabe Morales )
Christian ( BuddyChrist )
Amanda ( xo. Queenda Ka ox. )
Amanda's mom
Dave ( Beethoven )
Dan ( kkrider09 )
TJ ( kkroxmysox )
TJ's friends
Ally ( kingdakalover4 )
Ally's friends
JR ( medusa05 )
Robb ( raddrobb )
Some dude who knew me on El Toro...
My friend Amanda
Cory ( coasterride1998 )
Justin ( head lock... cant think?! )
Jay ( TPR Dude )
and many more people who said are you Mysterio! Crazy day....

Time at park: 6-10 ( got there late )

Kingda Ka x1 ( front )
El Toro x2 ( 2 times back )
Medusa x1
Robin the Chilla x1 ( front )
Nitro x1
Candy Mountain/Skull Mountain x1

We begin at the gate at 6pm. I brought Gabe with me since im kind in heart like that. We get to Jonny Rockets and he calls is friend Jay and Ally. After a five minute wait with some things waiting, we meet up with Ally and her friends. From there we head over to well planned to be Kingda Ka, but instead of El Toro for first ride. While walking, both JR, my mom, and Cory were calling me cell! One said go to Kingda Ka, one said meet me at Chiller, blah! I said I will, let me just get on some Toro goodness.

We get to Toro to a small line, ten minutes. While there, I run into TJ and his ground. TJ comes with us and we wait in line for ten minutes. Finally we get in the station and I go to back. There I am greeted by a familar face! Ha second time this season we have met, and well also Cory calls me and asks me where I am and I said backrow, and he runs up and high fives me and goes away for a bit. Haha.

Rode El Toro, and oh snap it was heaven! "So" the best ride op ever did not staple me and I rode with a guy from COASTER-net.com, though I couldn't remember his screenname though he is friends with Innversion. Anyways ride was GREAT. Load of air like always, and so smooth. The staff where on the BALL.

After the ride, it was throwdown again and offered for me to go with him on a re-ride. But I had to meet up with Cory and them so I told them that thanks but I can't, but im glad they offered. I would see them ALOT again tonight too... haha!

From their I walk down the exit and greeted by Mr. Cory and Justin and Steph and there other friend. Ha was good times, I got filmed on Corys camera. There we head to Medusa.

All of us, TJ, Cory, Justin, Ally, Her friends, Gabe, Steph, Jay, and TJ headed to Medusa. They grabbed the train in front of us... grr and left us! I'll remember that too guys. So me, Gabe, and Jay rode the train after them. All I can say was great ride, but STACKING! No need for three trains right now, caused us to be on the breaks longer then we waited in line.

Well we get off and they are all waiting for us. Then they say Amanda is on it and we are waiting for her. Me and TJ go to scare her, and Gabe followed but it didn't work. Oh well but we met Amanda and her mom.

From their, Cory and Justin and Steph and her friend went to go get some food, so me, Jay, Gabe, Amanda, and TJ go to Kingda Kya. We get there to a minor break down on the breaks... gah grandmom! We get in, and well I hear a JOSH!!!!!!!!. Why isn't it my coaster brother, Christian! He took me out of line with Gabe and Jay and got us on with his VIG. We go to left side of the station to Blueberry. Sadly due to the breakdown, we got Schoolbus... oh well.

While in the station I played rock, paper, sisors with the ride op. Also saw Throwdown again, met Snowsurfer, Amanda got on, and supposly Robb saw me. After thirty minute wait due to the breaks being so slow, we were on. We also invented a new catchphrase me and Christian.

"You've been Ka'd!"

The ride was great! Front row, and everything. It was getting dark now, and why not hit El Toro again! We get to Toro once Jay and Gabe got off, and met with my mom for a few minutes, then me and Christian rode back while Gabe and Jay rode in the middle. Ride was... the best ride I ever had on it. I had a fist full of space between me and the lapbar, and going down the first drop I thought I was the next SROS! Ride was the best ride ever. It topped my favorite coaster ride ever with Millienium Force. God it was amazing.

After that we got Amanda and went to de Chilla! Amanda chased me the whole time... and its on video! We get there and Christian runs in the Batman entrance.... and we all follow thinking like it was open. He got us good. We get in and Dave was operating! Christian and me grab front and we waited two trains. While there, supposly Robb saw me again. Also Cory, Justin, TJ, and all of them came to exit for my ride haha. Was so fun.

After that we got off and Jay, and everyone else except me, Gabe, Christian, and Amanda had to go. So we went over to Nitro. We used VIG and got on it. The on-ride picture is the BEST ON-RIDE PICTURE EVER and it was all my idea with a bit of Christians. Also a very enjoyable ride on Nitro as well. From their we head for the last ride with tridition, CANDY MOUNTAIN I mean Skull Mountain.

Before we get on, we got a picture with a dog and the staff wanted me to take pictures of them... as you will see haha. From their we get on with no wait, BANGING THE TRASH CANS. Cedar Fair! We grab second back car and I staple Amanda and Gabe haha. Was the funnest ride ever. Though Christian and Amanda did unapproaite things with me.....

Haha anyways we had to go. We all split up, and we got some ice cream at Cold Stone. Today was amazing. So many people, and felt so much longer then four hours. I <3 CAD.

- Jonny Rockets Open
- Batman's Train from Dave still has the frame...
- El Toro running two trains and is on the ball.
- Ka running four trains with load of break downs.
- Panda Express is now empty inside the resturant.
- Chiller does have some lights on the tower.

Now for pictures! Yes Gabe, Im putting up pictures... so quit looking at my screen! xP

GABE, look! Its the GP. Haha GP, ha. ha.

Why its Jonny on rockets!

No comment.

Guess the people.

This kills all woodies from my ride today, enough said.


Hey hey, you you!


I feel safe all ready!

Look, its Medusa.

I live for this.

Doing the nixon!

You've been ka'd!!

Supp my Kingda Ka???

Look, members.


Ayo, were mad cool yo!

Is that Gabe Morales?!

Balin's Jungle is a ride?!

I will miss these guys, they were like family...

You've been ka'd!

Dan stranggling AMANDA!

Security, we have a COASTER-net.com staff member here... - Dave

My eyes glow red, fo sho.

The gang yo.

Were a posse, and thats our dog hound.

The staff wanted us to take pictures, we didnt ask!

I wish I was that gangster.

For it to be called the Chiller, it was mad warm!

Thanks for reading.

Part 1 of Video ( 4/28 )

Part 2 of Video ( 5/4 )

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Re: Photo Trip Report - Coasters After Dark
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2007, 06:38:41 PM »
Great trip report, pics, and videos! Was the park crowded? How were the waits?

Offline Mysterio

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Re: Photo Trip Report - Coasters After Dark
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 06:55:27 PM »
Thanks man!

Park ofcourse was dead since it was only Season Pass holders. Kingda Ka's wait was in the station but mostly due to three break downs in ten minutes and the breaks going sooooo slow. El Toro was like a quarter of the switch-back filled. Rest was really just walk ons and one-two train waits.

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Re: Photo Trip Report - Coasters After Dark
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2007, 11:05:21 PM »
Again with the Aledgely(Sp?), Im not a criminal here, well um at least not in the Public eye ;)
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