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Author Topic: Quicky-4/21/07...No camera  (Read 1375 times)

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Offline CycloneMan

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Quicky-4/21/07...No camera
« on: April 22, 2007, 01:22:37 AM »
Spike (Nirto Fan)
Amanda (Queenda Ka/Love of my life)
Ray (Amanda's mom)
Alex (Snowsurfer)
TJ (kkroxmysox)
Andrew (Enzo)

The background stroy:
I had a FFO (Forced Family Outing) in Queens with my dads family (Jewish). Last night my friends were planning on going and and this morning Spike sent me a text! Well, I left Jackson Heights (Queens) at 4:45pm and times it so that when i got hbom, Spike would be there and we'd drive off.

Spike picked me up a little after 6:00pm and we drove straight there! We arrived at aroung 7:15pm, Giving us an hour and fourty-five minutes. We meet up with Amanda, Ray, Alex and TJ at the Autobahn. They went on and we just watched. Afterwords we headed over to Chiller where we saw Derick telling us it was down! We did some chatting and headed over to Batman: The Ride.

The line was in the hallway outside the station and the attendants were doing so horribale, but they now have a new Lead who plans to do, "Batman Boot Camp", to get them to do better. What should of been probably a walk on was 10 minutes. We got the last two rows and enjoyed our intense, screaming, fun ride at night! Amanda and Ray had to leave, so I kissed Amanda good by and we headed seperate ways.

We lined up for Nitro and waited 15-20 minutes (longest wait), and once again got the last row! The ride was fun and the four of us...again, were goofing around, and having a fun ride. Coming into the station, we spotted JR (Medusa05) and Kyle so I waved to them, but we had to get to Toro so we headed over.

TJ and I did our "Toro" positions and stampeded through the crowd to get to El Toro. We get in line about 8:50pm. We waited 10 minutes in the queue and 5 in the station. We had a five train wait for the last two rows, and they were NOT stacking at all! What an amazing job. When we got loaded they checked lapbars and were aqbout to dispatch, but they decided to let the train behind us actually aprouch the break run! Now that's a GREAT crew.

We left the station, up the lift around and HOLLY $#!T!!!!!!!! We got so much airtime. No joke, on every hill I had a good inch (maybe more) off the seat! It was also flying tonight! After we got off El Toro, TJ and Alex's friends were at Kingda Ka, so we headed over to the launch track and watched them launch. That train came off and I see there friends. Andrew (Enzo), Ariel, and oh no...Michelle! I was so scared... Okay, I'm teasing her.

We hung out and stalled on our way out of the park. I sat in Kingda Ka's test seat as a joke and buckled the belt on to the OTSR. Well...I couldn't get it off. So eveyone came to try and get it off, and non of us could! Finally Spike was able to, because he's so cool with his ex-lead powers! So we did some goofing around. The rest left and it was just me and Spike! We talked to a few friends that work there (Alex, Ryan, Derrick) and then we headed home!

-Dainan "A nice quicky" Rafferty

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Offline darkridedan

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Re: Quicky-4/21/07...No camera
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2007, 01:40:39 AM »
Walter will clean up at Batman. 
Prepare to weather the storm!

Offline CycloneMan

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Re: Quicky-4/21/07...No camera
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2007, 02:05:25 AM »
Yes, yeas he will!

Coaster Count: 255