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Our 1st 2007 Update!

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Thanks for great update! The family and I are looking forward to opening day. My son most of all. He has been watching my coaster videos all winter long. When I created them I had no idea I was going to have a son that would so crazy about them. Anyway, he doesn't understand why we can't ride this very second. Yesterday I took him to see Nitro across the lake. He was Freaking!  :)


Great hearing from you Bret!  Its actually rather funny because my 4 year old couldn't quite grasp why the park had to close last fall.  He got so bent out of shape when I was trying to explain that this would be our last visit this year and it would be many months before we get on the rides again.  I tried everything from the rides needed some "sleep and rest" to it being to cold out to go on rides (the heat wave in January screwed me there lol), and then once Wiggles World was announced, I could say there was a lot of construction going on and they couldn't let people be around all of the work.  Then he said lets move to Florida where its warmer and we can go on rides all the time.  Did I mention how much I love my son! LOL

A small additional update to the update coming later today.  I remembered a few things that I should have included in the original update :)

Robert T Ackerman:

--- Quote from: WadeJ on March 12, 2007, 10:22:13 AM ---  Then he said lets move to Florida where its warmer and we can go on rides all the time.  Did I mention how much I love my son! LOL

--- End quote ---

My girlfriend said the same thing to me about a week or so ago... best thing I've ever been asked to do!

That's what I want to do, but Rich is a party pooper.  He thinks it's too hot there in the summer.  I'm sure I would agree since I don't like heat, but I'd be willing to try it if it means I can ride Montu year-round.  :-)

I wouldn't move across the street for Montu...but isn't there a Kumba in that park? :)


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