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Our 1st 2007 Update!

<< < (2/15) > >>

As always thanks for the update.
Looks like they have been quite busy!

Thank you guys!

4 train KK. Thank god.

Nice Job Wade! Major Thanks to Angel, Jen and Mark Kane! Nice to see everyone here that came today again too :)

It was a great day.  Mark is certainly taking this park in the right direction.  That was abundantly clear today.

Bubba, did they finally hire you?

HUM I thought that LTSP was staying so now it will be wiggles world I wonder if that means something special later on in the place where KC was ?? Maybe a flat Thomas area or new coaster . OK I can dream right !!
Great news about KK and all the other coasters open as much as they can get them up and running. Johnny Rockets WOW I hope the onion rings are there !!!! I can't wait to see the park up and running . One thing I was wondering about the new Safari exit . If you are there early and go to the safari I wonder how you are going to be able to return to the park side parking lot ? I hope it doesn't mean exiting out of the park to the main road and then have to make the u-turn to come back in . Ohh can't wait for April .


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