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Our 1st 2007 Update!

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Don't know if Wade or Di mentioned this, but there will be 2 Ben & Jerry's in the park and a Coldstone Creamery.

Also, you will be able to play Nintendo Wii's right near the Relaxation Station.

Last season Kingda Ka had three trains upon opening day
But in a short week or two
It was the orange train giving them trouble, or so they say
They took the orange train for a bit
Yes they took that broken train away

They fixed it up and then it ran real fine
Until then the switchtrack starting having problems
And orange ran no more until later in time
That time would be when the green train went down towards the end
They took it off and there it stayed
Its front hood missinng, it sat there on the storage track, not to see another day

Orange came back and ran with Teal
Until the very last day, green did not heal.

Blue had been partially reassembled by June
They stopped working on it when the switchtrack gave out,
The mechanics at this time were ever so strewn!
For theres no purpose to spend time on reassembling a train
When its not even possible to run it,
Not even when there was no rain or a very blue moon!

Blue is almost back from Intamin in Japan
Four trains on opening day is looking better now than it ever can
Lets just hope everything stays in its ever so crucial time span!

Nice to see you again poet
It?s nice to have you back
Hopefully things will go better this year
I think their on the right track

Maybe this time you can hang out all year
Since the optimism seems to be spreading
And I'd like you to share in the cheer :)

Why is our train in Japan?


--- Quote from: ChuckR on March 04, 2007, 02:39:35 PM ---Why is our train in Japan?

--- End quote ---

Answered in one of the poet's previous posts.

--- Quote ---Kingda Kas blue train is out in the land of the Togo
Its getting a lot of work done on itself far far away
So it will be ready to go go...
On opening day! (Yes I'm aware that was in this update hehe)
--- End quote ---


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