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Our 1st 2007 Update!

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Robin's train expiernced quite a bit of pain
After the June incident
It suffered quite a bit of strain!

It's basically no good to use anymore
But the good of all of this
It's now no chore
To replace broken parts on either train, so now both can soar
Without stealing parts from one another anymore

Gotta love the poet . makes the news so intresting :)

Danian, a few things:

According to Chillerd22 on GAInsider, the Batman train is now the Robin train.  The new train being sent to Great Adventure will be the new Batman train.

You can't use last year's budget issues against the chain.  Six Flags detractors love to try and use them against them, overloooking (or simply ignoring) the fact that they had virtually no control over last year's budget.  When fighting the proxy battle, Red Zone was not allowed access to the books.  By the time they won, most of the budget was spent.  Remmeber how I've been saying since last season that this season is their season?  That's the main reason why.  I didn't expect last season to even come out as well as it did truthfully.  I thought that because of the switch-em-up of power and budget control that things would be an absolute mess.  IMO, they pulled off more positives than negatives last season, despite the bind they were in.  With the increased budget for staffing, the focus on ride uptime, among other things, we're starting to see just why I was saying that.  This is a whole new year, and a whole new Six Flags.  Come to it open minded.

Houdini isn't a dark ride, it's a Vekoma Mad House.  Reese's Cup Challenge at Hershey Park is a dark ride.  The Haunted House at Astroland is a Dark Ride. Houdini is an optical illusion that happens to take place in the dark.

When it comes to Robin, I'm personally very surprised with that timetable  They have the time to get it done, and I'm guessing that work will be starting like this week on making that happen.  I hope they do get that done on time.

CHillers Heartline roll is gone
but it won't be long
until we will be back on.
To ride the chill up and over the new hill (bump)

Chiller Chilled even in the Q line (ICE)

original size here [


--- Quote from: CycloneMan on March 02, 2007, 02:53:21 PM ---
--- Quote ---Kingda Ka will open with 4 trains.
--- End quote ---
As much as I'd love to see this happen, I'm still skeptical.
--- End quote ---

This is probably the least surprising of all the news but the most gratifying. They had 3 trains last year for most of the time but with staffing issues, running 3 trains was pointless for them.

They had the train on site the whole time, just no budget(?) to fix it I guess.

Why be skeptical?


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