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Our 1st 2007 Update!

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David Jr:
COOL! :)

If SFI could beat what i'm making at OTC, they might be able to convince me to get a job there. Of course it would have to be year-round with full bennies. ::) (yeah, like that's ever gonna happen)

They are considering a major Dark Ride in the future
Why not just fix the one we have? It needs a refurb!

WHAT dark ride?  Skull Mountain?  HA HA.

Spongebob Square Pants?


Let's be honest. 

Great Adventure NEEDS a dark ride.

I hope they get one.

Then they can have something ELSE Cedar Point doesn't have either!  And dark rides are great family rides.

Seriously, Dainan, what ride to you consider to be a dark ride at Jackson?


--- Quote from: ChuckR on March 02, 2007, 03:41:17 PM ---How can you be skeptical about Robin not opening with the park? Also what's so funny about them having the budget to hire more people?

--- End quote ---

It's very easy to be skeptical about Robin opening around a month from now. Being the track is not in place. No news on the new train (I'm pretty sure they got/getting a new train, don't take my word on this), and the testing the park has to do, and the testing the state will have to do. The budget thing, was more along the lines of an inside joke with a few of my friends to be quite honest. But, last eyar, they ahd the major budget problem, and by the way SF was doing, I will admit I'm a bit suprised. And yes, I was reffering to Houdini.

-Dainan "Though it's more of a sencory thriller" Rafferty


--- Quote from: Ogolo on March 02, 2007, 07:05:17 AM ---Who is Who?

You can't mistake ChuckR all the way on the left...and Coastin Steve all the way on the right.
Any guesses on the others?

Any idea of what park the new Chiller train is coming from??


--- End quote ---
George is the one directly right of Chuck. And thats all I know. :P

Thanks for the great report!  Everything sounds good and it could be an excellent season if they keep up on all of these things.

I guess I'm out of the loop, but what happened to Robin's train?


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