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Our 1st 2007 Update!

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--- Quote from: PoetwhoKnowzIt on March 01, 2007, 10:05:00 PM ---Now a clue for you about a certain rides queue
Its seems its never coming back
Which makes me ever so blue!
--- End quote ---

Damn damn damn damn damn! Agh. KK lost so much when it lost its queue...

My comments on what it says.

--- Quote ---Kingda Ka will open with 4 trains.
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As much as I'd love to see this happen, I'm still skeptical.

--- Quote ---Chiller Red will "hopefully" be ready by opening day if not shortly after.  Batman shouldn't be far behind.
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There is no was Robin will be ready around that time, unless they start constructuon imediately, and don't stop.

--- Quote ---They have the budget for people.  They just need more people!
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--- Quote ---Future plans include a focus on "tween" rides (flat rides)
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--- Quote ---2008 will include a focus on Hurricane Harbor
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Very happy to see this.

--- Quote ---A version of Kodak?s photo pass will be coming to Great Adventure - just like Disney's.
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--- Quote ---Package pickup will be available.
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Like what Disney does?

--- Quote ---They are considering a major Dark Ride in the future
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Why not just fix the one we have? It needs a refurb!

--- Quote ---Rolling Thunder should be opening with 4 trains
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It's been a long time.

--- Quote ---There is a MAJOR focus on ride uptime.  They are serious about all trains running when possible with better reliability.
--- End quote ---

-Dainan "These are some things that cough my interest" Rafferty

How can you be skeptical about Robin not opening with the park? Also what's so funny about them having the budget to hire more people?

Hold the Presses
New coaster theming found at Great Adventure "Batman the sno-coaster"

well it is sad to hear that the old line for kK will not be back but on the other hand if they can get 4 trains running tha really would be amazing !!

As for hiring more people hell if I lived closer I would send my kids there for a job.


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